
Maybe I'm a little too obsessive.

And he shall purify.

Tonight was the first out of two orchestra winter concerts. We're performing selections from Handel's Messiah with the chorus.

You know how, during the Hallelujah chorus, the audience is supposed to stand? Tradition because of the King and such? Well, all of us orchestra folksies told our parents to stand — in keeping to said tradition — but we all really said it jokingly, assuming that our parents wouldn't actually stand.

First two measures with the small ensemble start up and suddenly, we hear creaking and movement in the audience — parents are standing, WHAT! And when the rest of us come in with the ensemble, the whole audience is standing, too! I almost didn't enter on time because I thought it was so hilarious — and I almost stopped, it was so hard to keep from laughing.

Oh man. So cool.

(Not only that, but we played better than we thought we would! Sure, I screwed up in some parts, but I also rocked the house downnnnnn in others. Yessss.)

Mm, but the one unfun thing is that it lasted a very long time. Ended around 9:50. Ick. Luckily, I don't have to stay the entire time tomorrow night.

But gross! Homework time!
Published Dec 12 2007, 10:25 PM by amyh
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