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  • still haven't sent those query letters...

    Hello! Spring break is here! Woot woot! In other news, I'm at the marvelous word count of 10,570 for my novel in progress. And yes, I still need to send out the query letters for my last novel. The sad thing about this is that I HAVE THEM ready to go. THEY ARE SITTING ON MY COMPUTER, ready to be...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-13-2008
  • gmail adverts are offering me free love cards!!

    SO it has been forever. About, oh, a few weeks ago, I had this huge long post written out, but this site crapped out for, like, three days, and said post (which was largely about girls' schools in Bristol, as in England, and my tumblog , and such things. There were a zillion links, so this is highly...
    Posted to gmail is a tricksy thing (Weblog) by saskiab on 02-01-2008
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