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  • the marriage age is going up? hm?

    So according to the statistics, marriage age is getting older and older. The average age to get married is now in your late twenties for both men and women. Which sort of makes me go, "huh?" Because I just don't see it. I know of at least three girls in my classes who are planning their...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-04-2008
  • lookie! i made up a language of symbols!

    M: !!! :) :) H: *&%%#^ M: ?? H: !!!!!! ... blahblahblah M: *grrr* :( H: *grr* blahblahblah M: blahblahblah *slam!* Kudos to you if you understand any of this coded cryptic rambling. Because seriously I just had to write SOMETHING about it even if it makes no sense to anyone else.
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-05-2008
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