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  • books i don't like

    Hello friendlies. I'm sitting on my bed, in my jammies, listening to my mp3 player. WHICH IS NOT AN IPOD. But anyways. I really have nothing to say, I just feel like writing. Oh! Speaking of writing! My new novel-in-progress is up to... uh... 7,237 words. And it is going okay. I mean I'm having...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 04-20-2008
  • a rant on fluffiness.

    Okay. I have a few things to say tonight. Remember how way back when I said I wanted to do a post on the bible and religion ? Do you also remember how unlike the many prophecies in the bible, that never quite came to pass? Um, well. I am still working on it and still very much planning on writing it...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 04-16-2008
  • in another universe... things on my list

    I just wrote this huge post. But then I took it down because I decided I didn't want people reading it really, I just wanted to write it. Just for fun, not because it matters, a list of things I might be interested in doing for a career if I wasn't so dead set on writing and teaching (to support...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 04-06-2008
  • Happy Things

    Things I am happy for today: The new B52's cd. Eeeeee!!!! I heart the B52's. They are made of awesome. The book I'm reading, Deadline , which so far is amazing. Making up both my test in psychology and the toddler observation in Child Development. Writing just over 1,500 words last night...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 04-03-2008
  • still haven't sent those query letters...

    Hello! Spring break is here! Woot woot! In other news, I'm at the marvelous word count of 10,570 for my novel in progress. And yes, I still need to send out the query letters for my last novel. The sad thing about this is that I HAVE THEM ready to go. THEY ARE SITTING ON MY COMPUTER, ready to be...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-13-2008
  • the bads and the goods

    Yesterday I was thinking of something to blog about but now I've forgot what it is. My mind is not exactly working at top speeds today. Neither is the rest of me, seeing as how I've spend the grand majority of the day in bed. Yesterday was weird, and not exactly a good weird. Well. Maybe both...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-06-2008
  • i miss fourteen year old self in book form (translation: i lost my journal!)

    You wouldn't think losing the journal I kept when I was fourteen would make me sad, would you? I mean, aren't we supposed to shun the girls we were at fourteen? Isn't that supposed to be a really whiny/angsty/blahblahblahlifesucks sort of age that we want to just forget about as quickly as...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 02-25-2008
  • Desperately Seeking Myself

    I think it's fair to say that in the past 7 weeks and three days I haven't been myself. If you've read my last post, you might hazard a guess as to why I might say that. I've been incredibly lax in all things previously important to me, and maybe in the process changing. Let us begin...
    Posted to Elevator Withdrawal (Weblog) by sarah on 01-13-2008
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