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  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: Twin Peaks, Revived!

    By Carey Dunne , 19, reporting from New York City on must-see 90s TV Twin Peaks is David Lynch’s suspenseful 1990s TV drama that follows Special Agent Dale Cooper’s investigation of homecoming queen Laura Palmer’s murder. A neighbor gave me the first season on DVD while cleaning out his dorm room, and...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 05-20-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: Alaska & Me

    By Jordyn Turney , 19, reporting from Alpine, CA, on indie rock going western As far as music goes, I have fairly eclectic tastes. I like indie (Loquat, Rogue Wave, and Rilo Kiley) and top forty (Coldplay and Leona Lewis). I love country, but I also have a penchant for the songs in musicals. I listen...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 04-23-2009
  • Red Hearts: Entertainment: Hidden Hearts

    By Cammi Henao , 15, reporting from Chicago on getting secrets off her chest I stumbled across The Little Red Heart Project while attempting to avoid my biology homework, and I fell in love with the entire idea. If you want to get involved in the project, it's fairly simple: find some cardboard,...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 04-08-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: Red Hot Record

    By Olive Panter , 18, reporting from Brooklyn, New York, on the excellent new AIDS-fighting album Dark Was the Night Dark Was The Night is the newest and incredibly awesome compilation CD from the Red Hot Organization , an AIDS non-profit I had the pleasure of working for during the better half of a...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 03-11-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: Mental Floss

    By Sarah Schelde , 16, reporting from Waterlivet,, New York, on why mental_floss-ing every day is a healthy habit In today's big world of little time, we seem to love to pick up things as quickly as possible. From faster texting on full QWERTY keyboards to shorter blog posts from everywhere (ala...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 02-28-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: Bang for your TV Buck

    By Rebecca Murray , 20, reporting from Saint Augustine, Florida, on a show who's ending you just can't guess Television shows, even the generally good ones, can be filled with characters that are predictable. Girl meets boy, girl falls for boy, boy is dating someone else and after a lot of trials...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 02-22-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: The Better Beckham?

    By Saskia Boggs , 19, reporting from Kalamazoo, Michigan, on Liverpool's hottest player, Steven Gerrard Are you tired of all the David Beckham hype? How the sport has become watching what he and Posh are wearing, more Fashion Week front row than football? Consider switching teams to Steven Gerrard...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 02-21-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: Mr. Precedent

    By Claudia Berger , 16, reporting from Great Barrington, Massachusetts, on a riveting old White House show's new relevance With the inauguration of President Barack Obama less than a month ago (can you believe it?), more teens are becoming interested and active in politics. The West Wing —a TV series...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 02-19-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: How Time Flies

    By Lindsay Sellers , 20, reporting from New York, NY, on a book that travels In preparation for a few international flights, a friend recently recommended the book The Time Traveler's Wife . I packed it and wasn't sure if I'd get to reading it, but as I sat in the terminal, six hours to kill...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 02-08-2009
  • RED Hearts: Entertainment: Super Spy, Real Girl Role Model

    By Jordyn Turney , 19, reporting from Alpine, CA, on her love for the original Agent 99 on the 1960s TV classic Get Smart I have a long list of fictional characters I adore, right near the top of which is Get Smart 's 99. Not the Anne Hathaway, 21st-century version who knew she was hot stuff and...
    Posted to Entertainment (Weblog) by admin on 02-07-2009
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