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  • a rant on fluffiness.

    Okay. I have a few things to say tonight. Remember how way back when I said I wanted to do a post on the bible and religion ? Do you also remember how unlike the many prophecies in the bible, that never quite came to pass? Um, well. I am still working on it and still very much planning on writing it...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 04-16-2008
  • on being a liar... uh, er... I mean, making stuff up

    Yes, I wrote a novel about a girl who hates where she lives. And yes, sometimes I'm not exactly on great terms with where I live either. But this is the problem with writing fiction... EVERYONE THINKS I'M WRITING ABOUT MY OWN LIFE!!! And I'm not, even if there are similarities. What I am...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 12-11-2007
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