
January 2009 - Posts

  • RED Hearts: Beauty: Zit Attack

    By Saskia Boggs, 18, reporting from Kalamazoo, Michigan, on a zit fix that actually works

    I am 18 years old, and I get a lot of zits.

    For the past, oh, five years (at least), I've been searching for the perfect acne medication. I've gone through the washes, the face masks, the treatment pads. I've tried Neutrogena, Clearasil, and Rite-Aid off-brands. I've gone for the tea-tree oil and the chamomile tea.

    They all worked... to a degree. With the introduction of each product, my face would clear up slightly for a little while, then stop getting worse. It would stop improving, too, however. After years of this cycle, I resigned myself to a life without clear skin.

    And then I was introduced to Mary Kay's Acne Treatment Gel ($7). I was skeptical at first but I tried it anyway (couldn't hurt, right?). This was a few weeks ago, and not only did my skin clear up more rapidly than I'd ever experienced before, but it also stayed clear. To be exact, I've had a total of two new zits pop up since. Considering I usually get at least five or six a week--we're talking 15 minimum by now--this is amazing progress. To anyone who still hasn't found the perfect acne treatment, I recommend this to you. — Saskia Boggs