
August 2009 - Posts

  • RED Hearts: Beauty: Hair Help: Untangled At Last!

    By Alison Smith, 18, reporting from Brooklyn, New York, on a summer beauty product that's as good as ice cream.
    Creamsicle Mist Leave-In Conditioner

    I can still remember being six, perched on the edge of my parents' bed as my father attempted to detangle my wet knotty locks with nothing but a flimsy plastic comb.

    Sadly, my hair woes have since worsened (thank you, frying hair dryer). But I've fortunately come to rely more on detangling products than on my father's forceful tugs. Early this summer I found out about G&G Hair Products' Creamsicle Mist Leave-In Conditioner & Detangler and have sworn by it since. The bright orange liquid works best when sprayed vigorously on damp hair then applied throughout the day as needed. My knotted dead ends slowly moistened with each use. And, despite being intended for kids and tweens, the spray's packaging is so sleek it won't embarrass any teen or adult customer who pulls it out of a beach bag.

    Although the creamsicle scent threw me at first, it turned out to be quite subtle and absolutely perfect for lounging by ice cream stands on hot afternoons. Plus, with several certified organic nutrients and a company policy against animal testing, I'm sure you'll feel as responsible as you do tangle-free when you use this product! — Alison Smith

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