
  • i am soooo tiiiireeddd!!

    hello everyone...i usually don't blog but i'm procrastinating and am swamped in school work. never take 4 writing/reading courses + latin. it's awful. it's paper after paper after paper after annotations after readings after translations...then exams. ugh. help. me. i've lost all sense of punctuation or the will to care. i just ...
    Posted to lisac (Weblog) by lisac on 01-30-2008
  • yo.

    Me. Not much of a blogger. Never blogged until now. Don't plan on doing it lots. No time. Not really my thing.  2:26 in the morning. Just finished awful research paper. JOY. Can't sleep. Xenergy drink's not wearing off. Soo bad for you. Yet so helpful. Starting Latin homework now. Hate Latin. Glad it's dead. Class 9-7 ...
    Posted to lisac (Weblog) by lisac on 11-26-2007
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