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  • Just to keep track of my sanity

    I decided that before this week officially starts, I should make a post of a few things that will keep me sane and grounded and smiling and laughing. Because midterms? They're gonna suck. A lot. But! If I can smile and laugh just a little big, then hey, maybe the stress won't kill me. 1. The...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 03-01-2009
  • As The World Turns? Seriously?

    I should feel terrible for my lack of blogging on here this summer. But then I think about everything I could have written about. And. Um. There's not a whole lot. Let's see. I last blogged on June 25th. Sheesh! So long! What's happened since then? Not a whole darn lot. I've gone to the...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 07-24-2008
  • This isn't my "something interesting."

    This is my "just letting you know that I'm still around, sort of, somewhere." Where have I been, anyway? What has Amy been up do? • Becoming acquainted with Nobuta wo Produce , thanks to Saskia. • Watching video after video of Yamapi and developing a lovely new obsession. • Attending the...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 01-22-2008
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