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  • Pineapple.

    Anybody else watch Chuck tonight? That's all I have to say about this entry's subject. So I just officially hit submit on my Joseph-Beth job application. Part of me thinks that they won't even consider me because I'm not eighteen (lamest excuse ever ). But my hopeful side (which, to be...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 11-26-2007
  • I just don't know how to shut up.

    Before you begin reading this horribly long entry, I have one question: on tons of blogs, I noticed that tons of people do that “behind the jump” thing, where the front page of the blog just has a snippet and then when you click on the “jump,” it takes you to the rest of the entry. How do you do this...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 11-24-2007
  • Pictures + Music + I don't really have much of anything to say, but who cares?

    1) I created a syndicated account on LiveJournal of the blogs on here , for those of you who want to keep track of everybody's posts through LJ, and for all of your friends, too ;) Spread the RED! Ahaha. 2) Who else has listened to the RED soundtrack yet? I have to say that holy crap, I love it so...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 11-21-2007
  • Release day!

    So the book is OUT today! Of course, I went to my favorite bookstore in town to see if they had it. No. :( My dad even asked and the woman said they have two on inventory, but they weren't out. Perhaps they were sold? Who knows.... Then we went to Barnes & Noble, just for the heck of it, but...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 11-08-2007
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