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  • College. I am a nerd.

    So... it's only been, what? a year since my last post? Blame it on college. Which I started and all. SHA-BAM! But I am going to post more. I promise. I even put a link to RED in my bookmarks toolbar so when I'm bored and have no purpose I'll see it and be like "well, I can post a blog...
    Posted to hannahm (Weblog) by hannahm on 02-13-2010
  • DDID - Don't Do Illegal Drugs.

    Ahh! Finally back and writing! I sort of forgot my login info which is why I haven't blogged in forever and a day, heheh! /end stupid. A LOT has been happening lately. Um, I got a job? That isn't really news since I have been working for, let's see, 8 months? It's a pretty sweet set up...
    Posted to hannahm (Weblog) by hannahm on 02-08-2009
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