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  • one thing and another thing

    I am amazed with myself, friendlies. Really I am. Like, shocked. And why? Because I've started visiting my friend's blog. Which that in itself is not amazing because I love reading blogs and far too few of my friends keep them. What's amazing is that THIS IS A FASHION BLOG . And although...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-28-2008
  • kid plan

    I still feel like I've been ran over by a train, but at least I'm happy now. And I can't say why, but boy am I happy!! In a related story, lalalalala is all I can think right now and it's nearly midnight so not only can I not tell my East Coast friends now (Mich, Becca), but I also can't...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-26-2008
  • i is still a scaredy, only not so much

    So I'm trying to stop being so scared. I've been working on this for a dozen years, give or take. See, when I was little I was afraid of everything. EVERYTHING. Like I'm not even kidding, I'm pretty sure I outdid Chuckie from Rugrats. My parents were probably worried I would turn into...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-25-2008
  • funny hospital stories? yes.

    Hello friendlies! I want to tell you all a marvelous story but my head is kinda cloggy right now and I'm having some troubles thinking of one to tell. Ha you know what I was thinking of yesterday? (No of course you don't. Why do I even ask?) I was thinking of when I was in the hospital and all...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-23-2008
  • this is my scary story

    Hey friendlies? I am tired. And I am sick. And I am, as my grandma would say, sick and tired of being sick and tired. So don't expect any greatness in this post. But I do have a scary/funny story to tell. Ok maybe not that funny. Or scary. But trust me it was way scary when it was happening. First...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-21-2008
  • on the move

    I often seperate my life, if I haven't told you before, into the BEFORE and AFTER. Before the move. After the move. The move is the defining event though. So it makes sense that many of the quotes I have would relate to that. And here they are. The moving quotes: I vaguely hoped that someone would...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-13-2008
  • i can has moar kwotz?

    Haha, ok. I haven't put any quotes up here in a while so I figure it's time. Unfortunately I returned my library book before I remembered to get the good quotes from it, so blah for that. But anyways. I was reading A Little Friendly Advice (link to review) and this quote popped out at me, for...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-11-2008
  • this is my box.

    So today I was in English class and I don't really remember what exactly made me think of this but all of the sudden it was in my head. How we're always defining people, how quickly we peg a person as this or that, how we box people in so soon after meeting them - or even just seeing them. And...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-10-2008
  • well this is a mismash

    I am back and I am back with internets that I am not stealing from the neighbors. (Unlike last night when I emailed Erika.) And just where am I? you ask. Well. I will tell you. I am sitting on my bed. In my bedroom. In a house. In a neighborhood. In a town. But ha! It is a different bedroom in a different...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-04-2008
  • on my distant friendships

    Over the last few years a remarkable thing has happened to me. Specifically to my friendships and the people on the other ends of those friendships. It began, of course, with the event that tears my life into two pieces. Both seperate and distinct: a before and an after, except that unlike in all those...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 02-29-2008
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