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  • Four more days.

    Last week, I voted for the first time. It was wonderful, ah! I had a bit of a crisis in the voting booth, as John Edwards was still on the ballot and I really, really wanted to vote for him — but I held back and decided that my vote should go towards a candidate who is actually still in the race. So...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 05-25-2008
  • Still scared, less anxiety-ridden.

    First of all, as Amy G requested: college talk! Well, more of it anyway. I'm currently trying to decide between Hampshire College and Juniata College. I'm leaning more for Juniata right now, but sometimes I'll be leaning more for Hampshire. I simply can't make up my mind :/ And to complicate...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 04-23-2008
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