
RED Hearts: Entertainment: The Summer Reading Hot List

By Jordyn Turney, 25, reporting from Boise, Idaho, on the wait-no-more books of the season

Summer is here! To me the season always means bonus reading time, loaded with new releases and an ever-growing number of books I must have.

It’s like they’re perishable; it’s that immediate.

Here are three right at the top of my list:

Proof of Forever by Lexa Hillyer – A cute YA novel about best friends accidentally time traveling back to their 15th summer in order to fix their friendship? Yes, please. The premise of this book has many of my favorite elements: the way we interact with the people who matter most to us, time travel and summers. I’m just hoping they come together as wonderfully as it sounds like they might. June 2.

Hello, I Love You by Katie M. Stout – I’ll be honest with you: Nearly every book I read about that’s billed as romance strikes me as painfully cliché. It’s hard to find a fresh new twist on the classic girl-meets-boy. But introducing boarding schools and K-pop? That’s promising. With the collection of K-pop songs on my iPod and my total Rooftop Prince obsession, I except I’ll be wooed by this adorable-sounding debut novel. June 9.

Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway – I feel like I’ve been waiting for this book forever. Stories of bittersweet relationships (friends, family, couples) are always welcome, and this novel about childhood friends torn apart then reunited fits the bill perfectly. June 23.


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