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writer girl plus internet equals blog

25 Facts

Amy asked for 25 facts. These are my 25 facts.

  1. When I love a chunk of music (be it a song or an album or all the songs of an artist or even just some random playlist), I listen to it repeatedly for days and days until I get sick of it and can't listen to it for a few weeks at all (right now, it's the Rent soundtrack).
  2. I have discovered that I am terrible at making decisions. I still don't know where I'm going to college. I have about three weeks to decide.
  3. I woke up in the middle of the night last week and realized that I actually really do love writing. I don't know if that means anything for my future or not, and, yeah, I'd known it before, but it just REALLY hit me more than before.
  4. When I found out about unschooling, I wished I had been unschooled. However, halfway through high school is not the time to shake up your education, even if my parents didn't think anything excepting traditional education was insane.
  5. I've spent the past two weeks obsessively rereading the Animorphs series. I loved these books years ago and they are now a welcome escape from my stress. Plus I can read like six of them in a day when I'm not too busy so I feel accomplished.
  6. I have, at various times, considered taking a year off before going to college. I wish I still felt like that was an option, but, for a lot of reasons, it's not.
  7. Now that I really see myself leaving this place in the near future, it's finally started to feel like home (after thirteen years), and I've finally started to love it. It's bittersweet.
  8. I have serious trouble following through on commitments. I'm working on it.
  9. Sometimes, my friends and family drive me crazy, because the vast majority of them don't understand why I didn't apply to any colleges closer to home than New York City (which is pretty far from North Carolina). They don't understand that I want to experience more of the world than our corner of it, and I don't know how to explain it to them, except that..."The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." Saint Augustine. I think that applies to living in more than one part of the world, too.
  10. One of the things I fear most is feeling trapped, both in a literal sense (restrained) and a more figurative one (trapped by geographical boundaries or money or in a certain role in life or whatever).
  11. I have told five of my friends about RED. Three were very impressed and supportive. One was just excited because she's mentioned (not by name) in my essay. One was...not supportive.
  12. I don't know what happens to us after we die.
  13. I wonder what my life would be like if the internet had never been invented. Very, very different.
  14. I lack tact sometimes.
  15. I believe strongly in free expression. My school does not. Sometimes we have conflicts. Such as when I spam the censoring email filter. I have my own disciplinary file now, thanks to my fight against censorship. My favorite censored phrase to use: "Dick Cheney." True story.
  16. I used to write horribly embarassing fanfiction. No longer. And no one will ever find it. We all make mistakes, okay?
  17. There are moments in life when things are clear. These moments of clarity happen randomly and spontaneously, but never when I need them. Like right now.
  18. I worry about other people when I'm worried about myself because it distracts me. So it's still selfish. I'm working on it.
  19. I'm the only person my age that I know who writes regularly in cursive. Most of my assignments are written in cursive. Also in ink, I almost never use pencil. When we take the SAT, we're required to copy down a statement in cursive, and it takes everyone else ages because they're not used to it. 
  20. I love to draw, but I'm not actually any good at it.
  21. I don't have a driver's license, and I'm almost eighteen with no plans of getting one. Instead, I'm moving someplace with public transportation! I just can't decide which place.
  22. I'm almost eighteen and I've never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone. And lately, I find myself not caring. Which is good, I think.
  23. I'm not going to prom. I've been to one school dance and it was horribly dull. Also, full of people creating unnecessary drama. Not my thing. People think I'd go if someone asked me--but if someone asked me, that person obviously doesn't know me at all! 
  24. I don't like my name. In eighth grade, I changed it for a few months. I made people call me "October." After awhile, I changed back, because that didn't fit me, either, and it's easier when you don't have to convince people to call you something else.
  25. I'm a work in progress.



jordynt said:


February 22, 2009 11:02 PM