News from the editor

See you in San Francisco?

Big, bicoastal thanks to all of you who are making the efforts to fling yourself to the Bay Area (me too) for this Friday! Should be well worth the trip--this is a part of the country that really loves its books, new voices, and mother-daughter book clubs. They've been incredibly excited about and supportive of RED and can't wait to catch it live. Please, spread the word, to everyone you know in the SF Bay Area. Fri 22d at A Great, Good Place for Books in Oakland; Mon 25th at Towne Centre Books in Pleasanton; and Wed 27th at Barnes & Noble, Dublin. Addresses and other details on our homepage.




jordynt said:

NorCal was great!! Totally awesome!!

I am very very very very glad I got to go, even just for one reading. :)

February 25, 2008 10:30 PM