
Hey Update since My essay

Hey guys i just wanted to give an update since the book. I am currently still riding horses, We found out that my illness is more under control then ever. I am also riding a diffrent horse this year for drill team her name is Dixie... I am In the CNA program at my school. I have one of the most amazing boyfriends ever. and Most of all most people have read this in the book. But my friend Matthew aka in the book "andrew" passed away on July 22, 2007. I havent taken it very well but I am slowly getting througth it and I know he is My angel and yeah So that is the update for now.. How are you all doing?



zulayr said:

Hey Tiff! Nice to see you're doing well. Sucks that neither of us could make it to any of the parties, but attleast we have this site to keep in touch with one another. :)

November 26, 2007 10:10 AM