
new update

Hey guys ,

SO as you all rember i am an active horse back rider well as of tonight i have decided to stop.. This is because some issues with my coach telling the other kids about my illness when i tried so hard for them not to notice so i would not be treated diffent like I am now.. ANd they took it apon them selves at the last horse show to post a picture of me in my Wheel chair well that sent me over the edge and i am Fucking tired of their *** saying i cant be on a ceritn team because they dont want me there cause of my illness and ***.. and so they stick me with the novist team when i have been there for 5 years? What the ***

anyways i am done now talk to you all soon



zulayr said:

it's stupid for them to put you on another team when you've been there so long. don't sweat it tiff, it's their loss. totally.


November 29, 2007 2:57 PM

tiffanih said:

thanks girl..

November 29, 2007 5:59 PM