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  • teacherly post

    Something happened to me between the time I started school, way back in 1995, and now. And I think it was more than getting taller or learning math. Someone must have stole the time because some days I would swear it was just yesterday that I was sitting next to Kelsey in Mrs. Reinhold's classroom...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 04-07-2008
  • kid plan

    I still feel like I've been ran over by a train, but at least I'm happy now. And I can't say why, but boy am I happy!! In a related story, lalalalala is all I can think right now and it's nearly midnight so not only can I not tell my East Coast friends now (Mich, Becca), but I also can't...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-26-2008
  • Why yes, I do hang out with pandas on a semi-regular basis.

    It's been raining a lot lately. Earlier last week, we had those horrid storms that brought in terrible winds and even tornadoes (god, storms scare the crap out of me). It's been very muddy everywhere I go, caking my shoes and making my green fleur-de-two-lys shoes not quite so lovely. I suddenly...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 02-10-2008
  • I love how weird I get, haha.

    Since we finished Crime and Punishment , I've developed a much more serene attitude. Perhaps it's because our next unit is poetry, meaning we don't have to read any novels until after spring break! It most likely has a lot to do with the fact that I can now read whatever I do so desire. I...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 02-06-2008
  • This isn't my "something interesting."

    This is my "just letting you know that I'm still around, sort of, somewhere." Where have I been, anyway? What has Amy been up do? • Becoming acquainted with Nobuta wo Produce , thanks to Saskia. • Watching video after video of Yamapi and developing a lovely new obsession. • Attending the...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 01-22-2008
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