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  • the bads and the goods

    Yesterday I was thinking of something to blog about but now I've forgot what it is. My mind is not exactly working at top speeds today. Neither is the rest of me, seeing as how I've spend the grand majority of the day in bed. Yesterday was weird, and not exactly a good weird. Well. Maybe both...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 03-06-2008
  • NYC + Ugly Betty + General Insanity

    I should be writing, and I should be doing school work, and I should definitely be finishing work on my college apps. But instead, all I can think about is RED RED RED YAY. Yesterday, during the SAT, I kept finishing every section early (I guess that's what happens when you get so used to taking...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 11-04-2007
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