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writer girl plus internet equals blog

Am I Crazy?

Sorry for being a terrible blogger. Lately I've also been a terrible student, daughter, friend, and blog reader, among other things, so it's not just this part of my life that is suffering. Yay me.


Ahem. Anyway, I promise better posts at some point in the future, but for now, just something I don't really want to share with any of my friends but am for some reason relatively comfortable sharing with the internet in general....


 Three years ago or so, there was a guy, a friend of mine. He was pretty great, and the class I had with him was a part of my day I really looked forward to. He was one of the few people at the time who I felt like I could be myself with. We had some great times in art and gym class (they alternated days and we had both together), and I still can't see a gym uniform from that school or a piece of art I did in that class without thinking about him.


One Thursday, we parted ways after school and he said, "See you tomorrow."


I never saw him again. 


I still don't know what happened. He just vanished. He had existed on the outskirts of school society, so most everyone--teachers and students alike--quickly forgot him. The art teacher moved another kid into his desk just a few days later, just shrugging when I asked where he would sit when he came back.


I haven't really quit thinking about him or his mysterious disappearance without so much as a goodbye. I thought we were friends and I deserved at least that, but apparently not.  At first, I missed having him around, but now, why do I still think about him? Is it some idea of him that I miss, or actually him, or am I just still bothered at the mystery of his disappearance and pissed off that he didn't even say goodbye?


I think it's all three. 


Am I crazy to still spend far too much time searching for some trace of him on the internet when he's a vague memory to the handful of people here who remember him? It's futile; he has a common name. Why do I care so much? Why couldn't I just let him slide quietly out of my life as so many people have done through the years? What's wrong with me? I only knew him for a few months. What about him made that impact on me? I have no idea. Am I crazy?



jordynt said:

Ohmygosh. Emailing you about this right now.

But short answer? I don't think you're crazy.

May 11, 2008 9:04 PM

AmyG said:

I'm with Jordyn—you're not crazy at all.This is just irresistibly intriguing. I mean, I'm obsessed with it/him now.

May 12, 2008 6:40 AM