
April 2008 - Posts

  • i am officially done with school...

    until april 29th, when i start spring term. i haven't slept in almost 24 hours. i just wrote two beautiful papers that i'm quite proud of and now i'm going to turn them in. then pack and get the hell out of the dorms! then i'm going to sign my lease for this spring/summer in AA. then i'm going to go home-home, eat good cambodian food, and sleep forever. by the way, this is random but i'm going to recommend reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I wrote a paper on that and Long Day's Journey into Night, by Eugene O'Neill. both very good, but The Road is my favorite book now. i had a hard time writing my paper because i couldn't stop reading the book when i was looking for quotes to put in my paper. i hope if i ever have to live in a post-apocalyptic world, i hope my husband is like the man in the book. ok i'm going to go now. byebye for now

  • i am is my life at the moment

    • 3 papers + 3 exams in the next 7 days.
    • i haven't gotten any replies back from any companies for internships yet and i am frustrated.
    • i'm trying to go through the next week without doing my laundry because i have no clean jeans left. i will wear leggings and sweats and old HS tshirts.
    • my tummy hurts from the amp energy drink/almond joy i just drank/ate.
    • i just got $100 from mflu study woohoo.
    • someone tapped into my checking account so i have to go file card fraud at the bank
    • i had to live last week without my debit card. realized i never used cash and should have pulled some money out before i closed my account.
    • i had to use coins from my piggy bank to buy hot and ready's this weekend.
    • a girl friend of mine made a boy cry yesterday - hilarious.
    • tomorrow is my last day of class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!