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  • Maybe they were right: the holidays can get kind of gloomy. Oops.

    Ack ack! I don't seem to be posting as often as I used to! I guess it's because I haven't had that much to say. Winter break spent holed up in my room? Yeah. Not a lot going on in my life right now. Christmas was a lovely time. I got a good batch of loot, watched some movies with my mom and...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 12-28-2007
  • holiday chaos!

    I went Christmas shopping this weekend. Oh boy. The malls were PACKED. And I really don't enjoy having to shove my way to the register to buy ONE thing. Ugh. What I find extremely ironic and baffling is that I went to the mall to buy gifts for other people, and I somehow left the mall with stuff...
    Posted to zulayr (Weblog) by zulayr on 12-17-2007
  • TV + Videos + So ready for tomorrow to be over!

    1) Chuck. Does anybody else watch Chuck? Who watched it tonight? I won't spoil anything for those who may have yet to watch it, but I will say this: WHAT THE CRAP NOT COOL OH MY GOD! ...*breathe*. Okay. Moving on. 2) As per Amy G's request: here's a link to the video of Saskia doing a few...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 11-19-2007
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