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  • College is hard! (Derrr.)

    I've realized a problem that I have when it comes to choosing my own topics for papers: I suck at it. In the effort to be different and choose something that perhaps no one else will use, I end up choosing a topic that is very stupid and impossible to take seriously or do well. Back in sophomore...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 04-10-2009
  • As The World Turns? Seriously?

    I should feel terrible for my lack of blogging on here this summer. But then I think about everything I could have written about. And. Um. There's not a whole lot. Let's see. I last blogged on June 25th. Sheesh! So long! What's happened since then? Not a whole darn lot. I've gone to the...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 07-24-2008
  • while i wait for school..

    Man, it only takes half a summer vacation for me to realize how much i miss school and how busy it keeps me. The hustle and bustle of work-to-school is weird thought, but it's true. So while I wait for the fall semester to start, i'm just trying to keep busy.. maybe start a new...
    Posted to zulayr (Weblog) by zulayr on 07-10-2008
  • Why yes, I do hang out with pandas on a semi-regular basis.

    It's been raining a lot lately. Earlier last week, we had those horrid storms that brought in terrible winds and even tornadoes (god, storms scare the crap out of me). It's been very muddy everywhere I go, caking my shoes and making my green fleur-de-two-lys shoes not quite so lovely. I suddenly...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 02-10-2008
  • Reading & Writing

    because birds are alphabets and bodies a protectorate and "you hold a girl's face in your hands like a vase" because life is really no good without it... this blog is about reading and writing (and all other clever things) TODAY-- *Heather McHugh's "Ghazal of the Better-Unbegun"...
    Posted to mayap (Weblog) by mayap on 11-19-2007
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