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  • The Never Ending Month of May

    Not that I don't like the month of May. I adore it! My birthday starts it off, ending my first year of college made it grand, and I got to sit in a car for, like, half of it (which, okay, is not all that fun, actually). But seriously. It's still May? The end of May, sure. But it's still May...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 05-27-2009
  • The Hardest Summer

    Last week was my last week of high school, and I graduated this past Monday. It was incredibly bittersweet: I was so excited for school to finally, finally be over — but at the same time, I realized that it was the end. I can be one of those kids who complains on and on about high school, what a drag...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 06-06-2008
  • Oh dearie me.

    It's been about a month and a half since I went to the local GSA (as in Gay-Straight Alliance, not Girl Scouts of America, er). I know, I know. "But Amy! You wrote about GSA, like, five million times on your college apps!" Yeah, well. I've been busy? And tired? "But you were sick...
    Posted to amylicious! (Weblog) by amyh on 11-27-2007
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