So tonight my mom spent her time reading my blog. How lovely. Hi mom!
In other news, it occured to me a few days ago that a particular odd phenomenon (sp) has an odd habit of happening to me. I call it THE APOLOGY PHENOM and it goes like this: someone will do something that makes me feel angry/sad/betrayed/unsure/some other negative emotion. It'll be someone I consider at least relatively close to me and it'll be something that I don't just forget about. Something that really bothers me, really messes me up. Often there will be a fight about it. A large one.
And then, like MONTHS later, out of the blue, they apologize. We'll be having lunch or driving in the car or talking on msn and all the sudden they'll be all, "Hey remember when I..." and apologize. In like the nicest, most sincere way possible. This has happened at least three times that I can remember off the top of my head. And two of them happened in the last three months.
I don't know, I just find it weird. Has this happened to anyone else or just me?