Your Smile On Fire

...from the song Xavia


Hello friendlies!


I'm in the exceedingly rare position of having nothing I want to write about. At least, nothing I want others to read. I'm tempted to just plop some quotes down and call it a day.

     But I won't.

     Because I am oh-so-committed to being a blogging fanatic. And plus my fingers like to go typey typey typey. It's like how some people have those little squishy stress balls... I have typing.


In a related story, you know what book I saw at Barnes and Noble yesterday!? (This will register with no one but who cares?)

     THE SEQUAL TO SILVERWING!! And I almost bought it. Almost. But then I didn't.


Wow this was pointless.



Published Mar 15 2008, 05:28 PM by jordynt
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Oct. 15 [going to work soon] [two school essays due; majorly nervous about both] [remember when i wrote that short story where the girl said "majorly" every other WORD practically? ha]