Your Smile On Fire

...from the song Xavia

May 2008 - Posts

  • moving the blog? possibility

    So hello friendlies! I think I might start a new blog... I mean move my personal blog to wordpress (because that way other people can comment and, um, I like wordpress b/c my review site is there)... although I still really want it to show up here too because I love the red site too much. Can't figure out how to import a blog though (mebee you can't?).


    So my options:

    • copy&paste all my entries
    • don't move my blog
    • go rent 27 Dresses (which has nothing to do with anything, but whatevs)


  • this is difficult work

    So after doing this blog meme that basically told me I AM THE MOST UN-WELL READ PERSON EVER IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, I decided to make my own list of books that I think you should read in order to be well-read. A 'recommended-for-us-all' reading list, if you will.


    And, surprise surprise, this is incredibly hard. I'm leaving out a lot of books I personally love but know others wouldn't necessarily (Gone With the Wind, anyone?) as well as a lot that are required reading in schools but I don't really think you should have to read (The Great Gatsby, even though I loved it, many others hated it - HI MOM!!) And I'm adding a lot more recent books, mostly YA because (a) that's mostly what I read and, (b) when you start doing required reading in schools all the books become YA anyways... right?


    But so far I only have nine FERSHUR books and six MAYBEBABY books. I think fifteen is a good rounded number for a MUST READ list, but I'm having some troubles deciding which the fifteen should be. I think I'm going to take Little Women off the list. I mean, it's a great book, don't get me wrong, but besides the fact that it's commonly regarded as GREAT LITERATURE, I really don't see why everyone should read it.


    Plus I'm having a hard time keeping the list strictly fiction, despite the fact that I mostly read fiction (and YA fiction at that). I'm tempted to add a nonfiction amendment to it that has books like The Diary of Anne Frank and Tuesdays With Morrie.

  • I am a 21% narcissist.

    So I'm reading Generation Me, which is, omg, soo good. And anyways I just finished reading a chapter on the whole "teaching self-esteem in schools" thing and how it has probably led to more narcissism than actual self-esteem. So basically we are all narcissistic?


    Well, I thought about that. And I decided that I probably think I have too many flaws to be a narcissist. Besides that, I'm kind of a perfectionist? Which while it sounds like it should be comparable to narcissism, really isn't. But still, I felt like I had to find out if I was really a narcissist.... so I did what you do in the 21st century when you want to find out who you are - I TOOK AN INTERNET QUIZ!! (Haha yes that was supposed to be either sarcastic or ironic or tongue-in-cheek... I'm not sure which because I'm still not entirely sure what tongue-in-cheek humor is. Someone care to fill me in?)


    And blah-de-blah-blah, this quiz at tells me that out of a possible 120 I scored a 25 on the narcissism scale. Um, hi. That's really low. That's like scoring 21%. And okay, it's great that I'm not a narcissist (but I kind of already knew that and while we're at it, why don't these quizzes ever tell me something about myself that I don't already know?) but seriously - 21%? I may as well be in negative numbers here!


    The question is, does my low narcissism rating equal low self-esteem? (To this I go back to the wonderous internets for another quiz that will tell me what I already know!) My self-esteem rating is, according to the DiscoveryHealth website, 68 out of 100. Woot! But I could have told you that. I'm not sure if I have "high" or "low" self-esteem, but I'm pretty sure whatever it is, it's healthy enough. I mean I don't go around thinking I'm worthless or anything, but I also don't think I'm the most important person on the planet. But um, what was my point going to be? I should take a forgetfulness test... I'm pretty sure I could score 100% on that.


    Anyways, along with this whole "narcissism" theme, I was looking at Teen magazine a few days ago, because it was there and Psychology Today wasn't, and I saw this poll. The poll asked readers if they would rather bring about world peace or become billionaires. And hopefully this will surprise you guys as much as it surprised me, but about 50-something% of them said they'd rather be billionaires than bring world peace. (prepare for flagrant sarcasm) Woo! Way to care way more about yourself than about the rest of humanity! Brownie points for narcissism!!


    Haha. And for any of you who want to see if where you fall on the narcissistic and self-esteem scale, here are the links to the quizzes:


    Narcissism Quiz


    Self-Esteem Quiz



    Posted May 01 2008, 11:57 PM by jordynt with no comments
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  • i am really not a tv addict, i just seem that way in this post

    Some random things:


    • I was very nearly ecstatic when I was watching House yesterday and they (of course by "they" I mean Chase) used the term like-like. Haha! I thought I was the only person left who used that phrase!
    • I am very awake because I fell asleep way too early and then Taylor woke me up at 11:30 and I'm still awake (um, yeah, obviously...)
    • I did not actually watch American Idol because of the whole "falling asleep ridiculously early" thing but how sad that Brooke got booted! I liked her! Her and David Cook were my favorites and that little twerpy David is just annoying. He reminds me of a hobbit; does he remind anyone else of a hobbit? If he wins it will be sad.
    • The most recent Office episode... Dwight: You remind me of a certain Tolkein character.
    • I know that thus far this post really makes me look like a television addict, but I'm seriously not. I just have a few shows that I REALLY REALLY REALLY like.


    And I was going to write something more substantial tonight but suddenly I don't feel like it. So there. :)

    Posted May 01 2008, 12:32 AM by jordynt with no comments
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Oct. 15 [going to work soon] [two school essays due; majorly nervous about both] [remember when i wrote that short story where the girl said "majorly" every other WORD practically? ha]