Your Smile On Fire

...from the song Xavia

criminals in ski masks

Mozella sounds a lot like Macy Gray. Just sayin.


Hello friendlies! Today is one of those foggy days where it is foggy. And I swear I had stuff to write about before I actually sat down (this happens wayy too much), so since all my amusing thoughts have left me I’ll just tell you about the bank robbers.


And then maybe something more later? I don’t know.


Anyways. Bradis and Madis were down for a while and me and Mom and Madis had just gone to Sprouts. A store that is always very, very cold. I wonder if that is supposed to make it seem more healthful or something? I don’t know, but Sprouts is two things (1) healthy, and (2) cold. Also, (3) smells weird, which is probably just all the organicness of it. Also, the vitamins.


Organicness: (adv) the act of being organic.


So there we were, driving away from Sprouts headed toward home, and this car speeds past us going in the opposite direction. Okay, fine, nothing odd there.


But the people in the car, this old-looking red convertible, WERE WEARING SKI MASKS. Black ones. Now I’m no scientist or anything, but we don’t exactly live in Antarctica and what reason can you think of for wearing a ski mask in summer unless you’re in Antarctica?


That’s right. None.


So I turn to Madis and say, “Did you see those guys?” (Note: I do not actually know they were guys. They could have been girls. Or one of them could have been at least. But whatever.)


And Madis says something about how fast they were going. (Hint: Really really fast.)


And I say, “Did you notice they were wearing ski masks? Ooh, I bet they just got done pulling a bank job!”


Madis, of course, was very on board with this idea. My mom, however, basically called us crazy. Which, okay, we are. But not for that reason, please. Because in my mind, the equation is very simple and it goes like this SUPER SPEEDY OLD LOOKING CONVERTIBLE + PEOPLE WEARING SKI MASKS = BANK ROBBERS.


Simple. I saw bank robbers, probably bank robbers fleeing the scene of the crime. My life is so exciting.


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Oct. 15 [going to work soon] [two school essays due; majorly nervous about both] [remember when i wrote that short story where the girl said "majorly" every other WORD practically? ha]