Your Smile On Fire

...from the song Xavia

oh. so. tired.

Oh. My. God.


Continuing on in my Saga of Sleep, here’s what happened last night, I kid you not.


It was about eleven o’clock. I had decided to restart my novel (coming in at a measly 5,000 words, this was not as big a deal as it seems) and work on it an hour every day. I was hoping to see which was the better goal: words per day or time per day. Anyways.


So there it was, 11pm, and I was tired, so tired my eyelids were actually a bit droopy if you can believe that, and I decided I’d start this whole hour-a-day thing in the morning instead of right now. My brilliant logic being that if I started that night I’d be up until at least midnight, and possibly much longer depending on how it was going. (I have high hopes, yes?) So I shut down. Closed the computer, turned off the lights, got into my blankets and…


time. dragged. on.


From 11 to midnight. From midnight to 1. From 1 to 1:30 to 2 to 3 IN THE MORNING. Trust me, I wish I could give you guys the full effect of just how long my night was. I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes. I tried to sleep on my side, on my back, on my stomach. I tried thinking happy thoughts. I tried thinking no thoughts. I tried drinking water. I TRIED IT ALL.


And yet I was still awake. Amazing.


So around 3:30 I decided SLEEP WAS NOT MY FRIEND and got on my computer to do some research into what sort of computer I should get because, yes, I am getting a new computer. (And yes, I now know what kind and no, you cannot talk me out of it.) Now I just have to, you know, save up all that money. But anyways, I was on the computer until almost 4, at which point I laid back down again. Thinking I could now sleep, seeing as how it was getting into the wee hours of the morning so of course I would fall asleep and probably not be able to wake up until noon.


But oh no. SLEEP IS NOT MY FRIEND, remember?


It got to 4:30. 4:45. FIVE IN THE MORNING. FIVE FIFTEEN. And that was when I went upstairs to Taylor the Lovely’s room to see if she was awake yet for school and tell her of my night. Which she wasn’t awake, but I woke her up. And I told her how I HAD NOT SLEPT EVEN ONE LITTLE BIT. And her response, after I got done with the whole story (the short version, of course)? “Oh. Well why didn’t you go to sleep?”




So now it’s 6:14 in the morning, I haven’t slept all night, I work this afternoon, and I’ve decided on getting a Mac. There. You happy?*


*Forgive me if I am grouchy, for I have NOT SLEPT ALL NIGHT.



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Oct. 15 [going to work soon] [two school essays due; majorly nervous about both] [remember when i wrote that short story where the girl said "majorly" every other WORD practically? ha]