
Preface to a creepy set of poems

Now that I am a critically acclaimed award winning author- I’ve decided to try my hand at poetry. It’s something I have attempted in the past with some half decent results but I could never resist temptation to rhyme. Rhyming is so pretty, you know? But I did more or less avoid it this time and I think these two are pretty kick-ass if I do say so myself. I am warning you though- they’re pretty deep and intense. I tend to be really analytical especially when it comes to the psychological structure of man - a learned habit from all the therapy- I guess. (Wow, that makes me sound hardcore f’d up) Anywho, these poems are inspired by the nature of thought, by my own cosmic conclusions, and by a person… a person I feel the need to address. So, if your pretty sure that these poems (The latter more so, than the first) have nothing to do with you, you can skip the rest of the preface if you want. And yes I am self-centered enough to believe you will one-day read this and I’m pretty sure when you do, which is right now, (G-d I love that whole concept) you’ll recognize who I’m speaking to…


It’s funny because I was going to pretend that I wasn’t actually trying to talk to you through this semi- anonymous social network that is the World Wide Web. But then I thought to myself- why pretend? It doesn’t matter- what am I risking? If you read it, you read it, if you don’t, you don’t and I will never know. Sure it’s a little creepy to try and get your attention this way but it’s not like I’m really trying… I promise, I get it, we’re not friends…blah, blah, blah… move on Sam…If you do read this though, I don’t want to leave you any room to misinterpret. I don’t trust your interpretations about human intention because you resent us (and by us, I mean man-kind) for being selfish animals. How do live with yourself if you loathe yourself? I’m sorry… none of my business… back to me… So I just want you to know that the latter poem is about you or at the very least, people like you. But it’s not for you- it’s for me. I don’t want you to think that I’m a weird, creepy, stalker of a person who is trying to win your heart through poetry over the internet (as if poetry didn’t already scream over-obsessed). It’s just writing is very therapeutic for me and it is how I dealt and continue to deal with overcoming the sadness that this situation brought me. I’m only sharing it with the world because A. It doesn’t feel like the world, as far as I’m concerned it’s just me and my shitty laptop. And B. I think these poems are pretty kick-ass. But I’m not going to pretend that I don’t miss you sometimes. It would be dishonest of me if I continued to let myself sound so detached. Rationally, I know that it is best for me to stay away from you. You are committed to unlocking the external truths of this world and I, to unlocking the internal ones. (Vague, I know- but I think you get it) Still, I liked your company and rational or not- this situation kinda sucks for me.

On that note:


The Nature of Self-Deception

 To the one who believes

He or she bares the burden of the truth

Amidst an age of intellectual anarchyTo the one who believes

That he or she

Is above the meaningless repressions of society

When In actuality

You are as wrong as you are sure

For there are many vacillating truths

To believe in only one;

To discredit the others

Is in itself, the act of repression

The very opposite of your prized truth…

­-         Samantha L ( I’m not allowed to disclose my full name)   

The Paradox of External Truth

 Half believing

You are striving toward

Slowing man kinds’ inevitable extinction

You are in fact consuming yourself

With escaping your own 

You have selfish motives

You are only human

And only humans have repressions that drive them

To a state of inescapable sorrow… 

You may say

Only a feeling

But trust me- it is a crippling one

A physically crippling one 

I am but one casualty in your internal battle;  

One I take comfort in believing you will someday mourn

But there will be others like me

Better and worse 

Rectify yourself Señor

 Don’t be afraid to loose your purpose

In the absence of rigid philosophy

Don’t be scared to digress into the feudalisms of man

You will always be purpose driven

And you will always thirst for knowledge

These qualities are your belongings

So you must test their resilience

Do not shelter them

And do not over-nurture

Ask yourself what it is you yearn for

You’ve come too far

You’re far too young

Slow Self Deception

Do not succumb

 Do   Not   Succumb 

-         Samantha L



saml said:

[That’s ok, so is he] To whom it may concern, I can totally relate to feeling uprooted, I understand

December 22, 2007 1:17 AM