
The case for G-d By Sam L

My final conclusion is that I believe G-d exists. Not that he does for certain, but that I certainly believe. Why? Well first of all; I need to. I have to believe that I exist beyond nature’s intention; that I’m not here to simply make babies and die. I must believe I have a purpose because I can’t carry an imaginary one out. I can’t do this just for myself. I don’t have enough “power” to believe my work is revolutionary and genius and the whole world must be made aware of my intimate understandings of life.

I can’t flesh out an entire religion, I just assume that G-d’s schemes are divine and beyond my comprehension. This logic gives me permission to believe. Aside from that, there still remains one fundamental argument in favor of G-d. Why does man know he is a man? What intelligent design, what evolutionary purpose explains the need for an animal to know specifically what kind of animal he is? Why did Homo sapiens evolve into a species with instincts as well as complex thoughts? I am under the assumption that a two-legged mammal can survive without being at the top of the food chain? Must we have the neurological ability to reach close to full comprehension of our surroundings in order to continue to survive? I don’t think so. I think we could physically function as a species with half the knowledge we contain. We can climb trees, we have bodily defenses. So what is the answer then?

Somewhere along the line the primate was metaphorically or for all we know literally cast from Eden? G-d said, “Do not eat the forbidden fruit or you will surely die.” Guess what? All animals will surely die, but man is the only animal who knows this because he “ate from the tree of knowledge.”

 For whatever reason G-d thought it would be kind of cool to see if he gave an animal the option of G-d-like comprehension for the price of death, would he take it? He said to himself, what if I created an animal who knows he’s an animal? I believe the storey presents the idea of blissful ignorance, but bliss isn’t life. Life is crazy and complicated and cool. Totally overwhelming but totally worth comprehending…

What is bliss then? A coma basically, one we should not exist in but access every once in a while. For now, we have this curse/gift. Take note of this irony: Though this g-d-like comprehension is capable of solving most of life’s problems it will surely never solve one. Of all the things we can figure out, we will still never know why man obtained this higher consciousness. And so I am only left to conclude that G-d gave it to us for some abstract purpose and he/she/ it is watching. Imagine what G-d knows... I mean, we don’t know everything, but we know that we don’t know everything. So the creator must have the answers to our questions as well as information we can’t even think to speculate about. The creator must have some kind of multi-dimensional system of thought. The creator must be very creative.

Ooo, here’s a nice thought. Maybe I’m not crazy; maybe I’m just creative which is just another way of saying closer to G-d’s multi-faceted level of comprehension. Not to be conceded, everyone is creative. Think about how your creative outlet gives you an entirely different understanding of life. I perceive experiences in words, in images, and in emotions; musicians might register experiences in sounds, scientists in internal structure, mathematicians in numbers or volume or angles... There are certain things in life I put little emphasis on. I pay certain objects or concepts no mind; I do not question them further. Other people though, they value the things I don’t; they understand the things I don’t even notice. The creator must have all these perceptions; G-d must comprehend every known level of truth and then some. Imagine how complex…



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