
Somebody Fellat Me


Hey, I don’t mean to get all Susan Johanson (“Talk Sex” anybody?) on you guys, but I’m really not a fan of the word “cunnilingus”. Even writing it makes me laugh because it’s so awkward and uncomfortable to say. Well, “fellatio” is symbolically awkward to say too. But physically, mouthing the word is kind of fun. Honestly, the word is sexy and powerful unlike the female term which sounds all choppy and weird. If guys can make one dollar for every seventy cents a girl makes, I demand we make the word “Fellatio” universal. I know I’m a perve. But I really didn’t want to get stuck writing “somebody cunniling me” for the heading. Although- it would have been kinda funny. Don’t mind me; I just saw “Super Bad” last night- let’s face it- vulgarity is a part of everyday culture. And guess what? This is my every day blog…


Noise-canceling headphones anybody? O  -   my  -   G-d. They are sooooooooooooooo good. Listen to your favorite song with them; it’s like being in a fish-tank full of music. MMmmm Heaven. *Please see title*


So that’s all I wanted to say. If you need a reason to live… invest in a pair of those headphones, man. I swear- listening made my whole body numb…


I…Um… don’t know how much more life ranting I’m going to do, just to let you guys/ my shiny red laptop know. For the most part, I have the answers I need for now and my brain is dying for a little less of the self-assessment. I’m always reading, always writing, and always trying to stay in touch. But I’m trying to live outside my own head a bit more. My feeling is that I’ve become stable enough internally to take on some new projects. Like… Decorating my new room!! I’m going to paint a mural on one of the walls; some interpretation of Eden. Don’t worry I’ll be around.


            I guess I just want to let you know that I think I’ve come to terms with the fact that life is not under my control; that everything is the way it is. The best we can do is to organize a plan to reach some vague likeness of our goals. Everybody wings it, everybody does. I think some people choose certain routines or conform to certain standards (I don’t mean this condescendingly, if we defied all standards we’d be schizophrenics) to feel more stable… Some people prefer to believe they know exactly what they’re doing… but nobody does. Nobody knows exactly why we’re here or what we’re supposed to do. So I mean its cliché’, but all we have is our potential. We have no guarantees that working hard and trying our best in this societal construct will actually pay off. But we do have statistics, be grateful if you are on the favored side.


            Until then- it’s a crazy ride; ups and downs and upside downs. But I don’t know… You always have your friends, your family, a dog, a blog, faith in the unknown, and noise canceling headphones [Sam].




jordynt said:

Well I, for one, will miss your life-rants, but I'm so happy for you that you're learning to live outside your head. It's something I'm trying to work on too... I think I've figured out I'm happiest when I can find a balance between this extreme introspection and living like a normal person. Lol. ^_^

December 15, 2007 5:04 PM