
Without TV life is as boring as it was meant to be


Anybody else marvel at the dexterity of their fingers? So cool. Ooo, and isn’t it interesting the different media journeys we all take, the different e-mails, the different adds that pop up and spark our interest. The different songs and books we discover. The different people we meet. The different lessons we learn… Weird huh?

Anywho, Welcome to my 3-dimential world of Dr. Seuss level drama. All the people I think about and write about in my shameless female preoccupations- all have similar names that rhyme or sound the same. (I think the most relevant moral of my story is to find friends with cool names)

The world is made up of triangles. Triangles among triangles, among triangles. You have no idea what I mean by this and it probably sounds crazy. But I don’t feel like explaining myself. I want to taunt my readers/ laptop with the idea that this revelation could in fact be genius. In these triangles everyone is a sinner, and everyone’s a saint. Guilt and innocence do not exist- ask each person to point to the antagonist and you will get a triangle. Life is big. Just look around you. Spend two minutes looking up at the sky and you feel so teeny tiny and insignificant. As a result the drama in your life feels even more insignificant.

I’m sorry. But seeing as how facebook, my laptop, the sky, and books are my only friends right now, I feel so detached from the social world. It all seems so silly. But I know I won’t feel that way pretty soon. It feels very real when you’re in it. Wish me luck. I hope I can still laugh and love myself at the end of the day when there’s thick murky air lurking in every direction.




jordynt said:

Ha, I think I'm ALWAYS detached from the social world.

In fact, I'm beginning to not even care. Beginning to realize the friends I have are the friends I want to have, even if they do live hundreds of miles away.

December 30, 2007 5:54 PM