ok, i wrote this on facebook and my close friends really got a kick out of it, so I thought you guys might enjoy it...i finally gave in to the whole 25 random facts about me thing after my old roommate Kayt gave in, and she barely goes on facebook. here it is:
25 Random Things
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with
25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose
25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I
tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these
instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag
25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I can lick my elbow. It's supposed to be impossible.
2. I'm allergic to cats. If I'm exposed for too long, the whites of my
eyes turn into this jelly-like substance, and when I look from left to
right/up and down, my irises run/push into the whites of my eyes. It's
3. I pluck my armpit hairs, then shave for extra smoothness. I would
rather pluck my armpit hairs than my eyebrows. I'm sure none of you
wanted to know that.
4. I've never successfully watched Aladdin or most of the Disney movies, but I love Disney.
5. I enjoy people watching. But then again, everyone does. My favorite
was in high school, where we sat in Aco's parking lot and predicted
what cars would come, who would come out, and what they would be
wearing. Ex. We'd guess a purple or tan Buick or Crown Victoria...Old
man with a tan cabby with a matching tan jacket...sometimes accompanied
by an old woman with a plastic hair cover. We were correct probably 4/5
6. I'm never fully happy with anything I produce/write...there is
something that I always wish I would have changed or done better. But
that's the nature of writing/producing/directing...
7. I watched an entire Asian soap opera series all day with my parents
once...and enjoyed it, from the bad voice dubs - Thai to Cambodian, the
English subtitles, and the terrible resolution...
8. I secretly wish I could get a bowl cut and straight bangs but I
would only enjoy it for a second...the moment where I would laugh at
how ridiculous my bowl cut was...then I would cry and debate whether I
could pull off a weave.
9. Sometimes my mind goes crazy when I'm in creative mode...too many
things float around at once...I have to learn how to focus. But
sometimes I go blank and that's fun too, having absolutely nothing on
my mind.
10. I have a collection of posters consisting of Doogie Howser - M.D.,
Tom Cruise, and Gerard Butler all hanging in my room...thank you,
11. My sisters and cousins first got me drunk in 8th grade at my
grandma's 90th birthday party (we slip and call it grandma's wedding
sometimes). Everyone was confused because there were 5 of us wearing
the same purple chinese dress, donning the asian glow.
12. After I drink lots of coffee, my pee starts to smell like it. It
freaks me out because my pee smells like something I enjoy drinking.
13. I hate school. Really, it's ruining the fun-ness of college life. I
think I had more worthwhile memories from back in high school because
school wasn't a ***. Half of what I'm doing in college is not
teaching me anything useful in life but is required for some crappy
14. I love these words/phrases: repulsive, honestly, dude, wiggin' out,
bah, buddy, the childrennn, ridiculous, crap, ***, and *** it.
15. I got suspended in 6th grade for a whole day once. I took an
Accelerated Reading Test for Marko and this kid named Nathan tattled on
me. I will never forgive him for that.
16. I don't want to grow up. No really, I don't want to wear normal
clothes. I want to wear my sweet gold, pink, and yellow Nike Dunk Lows,
a yellow (not maize) MI Tee, and black leggings for the rest of my
life. I hope I get a job where I don't have to wear a fancy dress pants
and belt, because I tend to actually go to the bathroom later than I
should, and I would probably piss my pants a lot if I had to wear a
belt. I think that was more than one fact.
17. When I grow up, I want a husband (duh), 2 or 3 children, a Yorkie
named Cornchip, a walk-in closet filled with shoes, an island in my
kitchen, a Lisa-room filled with pillows and lined with dry-erase
boards, and a garage so I never have to scrape snow off my car ever
again. Oh, and a really big backyard.
18. I'm extremely lazy. I hate walking, because I start to sweat and I
really hate sweat when I'm not intentionally making myself sweat (ex:
when exercising).
19. I really enjoy the Disney Channel, which I mentioned before. I know
a lot of people do but I feel like I'm way too old to sincerely enjoy
it. I think it's the fake innocence that gets me. I think my roommates
know I secretly watch it because sometimes I turn off the TV and forget
to switch the channel, so when they turn it on it's still on the Disney
20. I'm really clean (as in not dirty), but really messy with my room
and clothes, but really organized when it comes to school. I don't know
why I'm like that.
21. I'm a very, very, sensitive person. I cried while watching Animal
Planet because there was this wolf thing that ate a baby duck looking
thing. The baby bird/duck/thing with wings was so helpless, I couldn't
watch it.
22. Sometimes I get in a funk and am moody. I have a bad temper and am
snappy, but only with my family. But I also cuddle with my family.
Well, with Melinda because she is an incestuous *** with small
hands and cold feet.
23. I have a receding hairline, a nonexistent bridge, no eyelids (creases), and half the hair on my arms don't grow.
24. I am a very secretive person. I'm sure all of you know that. I'm
afraid of letting things out because I don't like to be judged. But
then again, I am telling you these 25 facts...I'm working on it.
25. I love to gossip and go to small get-togethers - I miss freshman
year of college, when our room was dubbed the "dirty room" because all
we would do was gossip about the dirty things people were doing in our
hall. We would also spy on people, but that's another fact that I am
not willing to fully reveal. I'm a stalker. Oh and I love drunken
shenanigans with my buddies...
26. I just realized Kayt did 26 random facts so I guess I will too
because the number is typed out already. Oh, I will make this one about
her. When Kayt and I met/chatted via AIM for the first time, I knew we
would get along just fine after two instances: the first being when I
asked if she was religious and she made a joke about putting jesus and
mary statues above both our beds, and the other was when she asked me a
blunt question in the middle of the night while in our lofts...