
  • i have awesome radio stories

    Theres a lizard outside my window, friendlies.   In other news, have you ever wondered why when you put in a DVD of The Office (assuming, of course, you have DVDs of The Office) the theme song is so loud you have to scramble to turn the volume down no matter how low it already was, but then the actual show comes on and you have to turn ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-08-2008
  • hates and loves

    So today, while I was looking around the kitchen and thinking of making either crepes or angel food cake (then finding out we had no flour), I realized that my opinions on things are always very definite. My opinions are RIGHT, dude. They are FACT. And they are never, ever iffy.   Like, I never (or at least rarely) think things are okay ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-06-2008
  • criminals in ski masks

    Mozella sounds a lot like Macy Gray. Just sayin.   Hello friendlies! Today is one of those foggy days where it is foggy. And I swear I had stuff to write about before I actually sat down (this happens wayy too much), so since all my amusing thoughts have left me Ill just tell you about the bank robbers.   And then maybe something ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-06-2008
  • post email panic

    While I wasnt really planning on writing a third post today, sometimes these things just happen. Plus, I am very obviously addicted to blogging.   Or, uh, you know, writing in general. (It occurs to me that I use words like um and uh far more often in my writing than I should. Theres even an instance of it in my essay. In a book! ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-05-2008
  • nifty gifty

    It happened like this:   Apparently I got a box from Amazon in the mail. I say apparently because it showed up at our house and it had my name on it.   Only I didnt order anything from Amazon. I know this because when I am expecting a package I am neurotic about checking the mail and waiting impatiently for it and so on and so ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-05-2008
  • this post has asterisky goodness

    Hello friendlies!!   It is 5:25 in the am, according to my alarm clock. For some reason my body was refusing to sleep (as it so often does), so I figured, hey, its late enough, Ill just get up and dink around until I have to get ready for school.   Is dink a word?   According to, it is a word - it just ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-05-2008
  • crusade

    Crusade! Crusade crusade crusade!   That is the word I've been trying to remember for about a week now.
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-04-2008
  • the marriage age is going up? hm?

    So according to the statistics, marriage age is getting older and older. The average age to get married is now in your late twenties for both men and women.   Which sort of makes me go, "huh?" Because I just don't see it.   I know of at least three girls in my classes who are planning their weddings (and none of them is ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-04-2008
  • moving the blog? possibility

    So hello friendlies! I think I might start a new blog... I mean move my personal blog to wordpress (because that way other people can comment and, um, I like wordpress b/c my review site is there)... although I still really want it to show up here too because I love the red site too much. Can't figure out how to import a blog though (mebee you ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-03-2008
  • this is difficult work

    So after doing this blog meme that basically told me I AM THE MOST UN-WELL READ PERSON EVER IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, I decided to make my own list of books that I think you should read in order to be well-read. A 'recommended-for-us-all' reading list, if you will.   And, surprise surprise, this is incredibly hard. I'm leaving out ...
    Posted to Your Smile On Fire (Weblog) by jordynt on 05-03-2008
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