(Warning: I think I use the word "apparently" a little bit too much here. But bear with me, plzkthx.
And because of my usage of plzkthx, I now am going to overload this post with lolcats. Thank you, I Can Has Cheezburger?!

Because who doesn't love lolcats?)
I've kind of unofficially decided that I'm going to Juniata next year for college. I mean, I still am going to wait until I hear from the other five schools I've applied to, and it definitely also depends on if I get the scholarship (
pleasepleaseplease), but I kind of adore Juniata now. Really really. :)
So how was my day yesterday?
• 9:45 AM: Arrival — William Swigart Enrollment Center
Crazy. Tons of kids in the Enrollment Center, my dad had to go off and find somewhere to park. There's not a lot of parking right outside their admissions building. And with twenty-four families in there yesterday, yeah. It was pretty crazy. But once more, I felt special the moment I walked in the door because they handed me a
folder with a
schedule and
everything! I had a name tag! And I talked to random people! And then someone escorted me to my first event! Oh man. I felt important. I
was important, haha. Or so I like to think.
• 10:00 AM: Experience the Classroom: The US Since 1877, Professor Jim Tuten — Good Hall, Room 102
This class helped to cement why I absolutely would adore going to Juniata to study History. Professor Tuten? He was kind of kickass. He made a lot of cracks, namely about NASCAR and Mick Jagger. What kind of sucked is that many of his students definitely didn't laugh or react or anything. Not a lot of kids spoke up! This saddened me. I've decided that, should I go to Juniata, I'm going to break my own classroom silence and speak up more! Yeah! But overall, I did enjoy the class (the topics included Prohibition, women's right to vote, The Great Migration and jazz, and the Scopes trial) and the professor.
• 11:30 AM: Instrumental Music Session, Professor Jim Latten — Departs from William Swigart Enrollment Center
This was a little chat between Professor Latten and a few of us scholarship prospies about the music program. He went over aspects of it — lessons, concerts, rehearsals, etc. — and then took us to various places where rehearsal is, where we can store instruments, etc. He was pretty great. He was a little bit sad when none of us were percussionists, but, sensing this, I spoke up about having played steel drum in freshman year, and he was pretty excited at that. Apparently they have a steel drum! Haha. I might have to take it back up, just because, um, I can.
• 12:00 PM: Scholarship Luncheon — William J.von Liebig Center for Science, Sill Board Room # 2075
This could have been an incredibly awkward luncheon had there not been a random student at our table there to mingle with us. I told him I was interested in history, which was perfect seeing as he ended up being a History POE (Program of Emphasis, Juniata's version of the Major). He was pretty cool. He also talked about Juniata's choir, how they usually go international for concert tours but how they're touring the south this year. Two other kids sat at the table, one Arts kid and a Leadership one. I had to leave the lunch early, but my dad said that the Leadership guy was apparently a big track star back home, and that after I left he ate two more plates of food.
Also, Professor David Hsiung spoke briefly before lunch started. He's the professor I spoke with when I first visited Juniata, who was kind of the reason I first decided to adore Juniata so much — just so that I could come and study history and take all of his classes! Because seriously, he is
that cool. Well, after I left, my dad said he talked with Professor Hsiung a little bit, and that
he remembered me! Whoa! He asked how my novel is going, haha, and was apparently impressed to hear that I'm in the revision stages, etc etc. Man oh man. I wish I could have talked to him myself. Yeah, I think I need to go to Juniata. And take his classes. All of them. Um.
Coolest. Ever.
• 1:00 PM: Experience the Classroom: Modern China, Professor Doug Stiffler — Good Hall, Room 221
So I skipped out on the end of lunch for the History of Modern China, which involved the period from 1912 to, um, sometime before the 20s. Professor Stiffler was very enthusiastic, which was wonderful. He prompted the class to discuss a bit, he had us (me and the other Arts scholarship kid who was sitting in on the class — competition, oh noes!) introduce ourselves to the students (we both expressed interest in US History, to which he replied, "Which is why you're in a history of China class." Oh, indeed, right?)
(By the way, you all. If you haven't listened to Drew Danburry,
go. Now. Listen. Love. And then check him out this spring on his tour, because yes he is touring the country again and I am so excited because he is so amazing and can you tell that I'm listening to him right now? Because I am. But back to our regularly scheduled program, kiddos.)
I'll tell you, though, I haven't actually learned about China since sixth grade. Sure, I should count AP World History in sophomore year, but like anyone learned anything in that class, let's be honest. And listening to Professor Stiffler teach made me think, "Hey. Maybe China more interesting than I thought." And that's what a professor is supposed to make you think, right? I have to say, I loved it the most when he made the class say the Chinese names. (How weird is Chinese pronunciation?) But I mostly loved how enthusiastic Professor Stiffler was, because you can tell he really loves what he's teaching.
Man oh man. All of the history professors I've met have been so fantastic. Love. :)
• 2:15 PM: Nomination Scholarship Interview: The Arts — Halbritter Performing Arts Center, Office 3
Of course, after I left the interview, I came up with a million and one extra things that I could have said, should have brought up, etc. But I'm trying to keep myself from dwelling. "You were good, anyway, Amy!"
Honestly, I can't think of what to say with this. The interviewers were supercool. Once we were past the initial six questions that every finalist was asked, it was great just chatting — about
Red —
(Back to Drew Danburry: OH MAN HOW AMAZING IS THIS SONG.
Fight it, deny it, I'll fight it, deny it, I won't let myself fall in love... fhguigkj! Okay, Amy shouldn't listen to Drew Danburry while trying to write up posts of substance. He just takes over my brain.)
— about the pronunciation of Appalachian, about Kentucky, and most likely about other random things that I can't remember. So even though I didn't mention things I might have liked to discuss, it was an enjoyable experience. And I leave it at that.
• 3:00 PM: Meeting with students from AWOL— William Swigart Enrollment Center
This was admittedly a little awkward. I didn't know what to ask or talk about really. A note: AWOL stands for All Ways Of Loving, and it's like their equivalent to a Gay/Straight Alliance. The people I talked to, though, were so fun, really talkative, really nice, and it was nice to get a student perspective on Juniata from people who weren't involved in the day's Official Activities.
• 3:45 PM: Wrap-up with Terri — William Swigart Enrollment Center
Terri? Amazing. Fantastic. I love her, haha. She was so cheery, so wonderful. She made a great comment when she was leading the group to lunch — that my dad could be a college professor, what with his outfit and how he walked and held his laptop bag. My dad turned and said, "Good guess!" and she freaked out, "Oh my gosh! Are you serious?! Oh my gosh! I'll be telling this story for at least a year!"
The wrap-up was basically time for last questions, her informing us of when I should find out about the scholarship, last-minute chatting. She also told us to eat at Mimi's for dinner, and when I mentioned the play that my interviewers had brought up, she said she'd call and get tickets set aside for us so that we could go see the production of
Our Country's Good that evening.
After that, we were held up for a few more minutes before leaving, as we spoke with two other people (one of whom remarked how it's neat that I'm from Kentucky but I don't have an accent — I loved that comment so much for some reason, haha), and then halfway to the car I remembered that I had left my coat on the hanger in the building, haha, and my dad went back to get it for me while I sat in the car (I had a sweater, so it's not like I was
We chilled at the hotel a while, ate at Mimi's (yummy), and then saw the play. It was interesting. I wasn't sure what to make of it at first, as I had no idea what it was about. But I thought that the production was amazing — the theater so cool, the actors fantastic, the lighting and costumes and soundtrack wonderful. Overall, a great production. The play was still weird, though.
And now I'm home and tired and am going to do homework stuff tomorrow because I don't feel like doing anything else tonight. Except maybe eat a really late dinner. I'm