She's No Saint..

But she'll take you to your knees.

On novels and 'Habitual disciplinary problem children'.

Herm. So apparently a great few of you guys have actually written novels..? Thats fabulous. I mean, it really is. To me that would be a HUGE accomplishment. Because personally, I cant write something LONG enough. And stay on track with it. Ill eventually get bored and quit, or finish it by killing somebody.  :] Its a little habit of mine. Anyway, maybe I just need to learn how to write differently? Or maybe just stick with my lovely little short stories and compile a collection of them, as my mom has suggested. I guess it all just really depends on how much I grow with my writing and such. Which reminds me that I will probably take the Creative Writing class at my school next year. AGAIN. But apparently it has changed a great deal since the expiremental first year it was offered last year. Either way, Im hoping it will help me get back on track with my writing. Because to be honest, that was the only time I really stuck to a piece of writing and it was the most Ive ever written. Not to mention I LOVE the teacher. That was also the time that I had the most inspirational moments. You know what Im talking about. Your just laying there trying to sleep and you think of something.. Yes.

Onward then! Well, a couple months ago, my friend hit a girl. Just an innocent slap on the face but she got APEP for it. (In school suspension) So this last Wednesday, she got in another fight. Id first like to start with a warning, mostly to my mom, if shes reading this. (Hi mom) Theres cussing involved but its the story so yeah. My friend (Lets call her Amanda. Because, yeah thats her name) was in Creative Writing (The famously loved class! Yay!) and someone threw a pencil at my other friend (Shanleigh) and it hit her in the face. So Amanda says "The next person who throws a pencil gets it shoved up their ass." (Once again mom, its the storyy.) so this other girl across the room, (Meghan) whom I presume to be the one who threw it in the first place said "Shut up you fat ***." Which really, really offended Amanda, because she IS gay. So Amanda, being the peaceful person she is, goes over and says "What did you call me?" "You heard me." Little freshman says back. "Fat ***" So Amanda is seriously miffed now so she says "Id rather be a fat *** than a slutty straight ***." So Meghan's boyfriend gets up and says "Alright thats enough. Go sit down hippo." Can you believe it? So of course, this is the final straw. So Amanda reaches behind him and hits Meghan in the face. Meghan hits her back. Amanda hits her and Meghan fall over. They get written up and then bam. There they are in APEP. So now Amanda misses our Christmas choir concert, has APEP until break, and has a track record as a "Habitual Disciplinary Problem." Its depressing yet funny at the same time.

Hah. Thats the most Ive ever written really. Nicee. One more thing before I get back to my fabulous inspiration. Last night, Amanda came out to her little brother. Like, she was really worried about what he would think of it, but it turns out that he doesn't believe her. Psh. He'll come around though.



jordynt said:

Ahh... I know what you mean about just getting hit with inspiration suddenly. The last time it happened to me I was... hmm, I think I was just talking to Mich on MSN about something and sharing somethine I'd written in my journal and suddenly it was like, - zap - inspired! So yeah, it happens. The hard thing is making the inspirations into a full-length novel.

The novel I wrote is only 50k words, which I feel makes it very generous calling it a novel, but considering it's YA... that works, right?

Gah, now for the query-lettering. Yes, I'm serious about this story. It's the first novel-length one I've written that I have real confidence behind.

December 14, 2007 3:26 PM