So Im currently in my new house. Surrounded by a few very expensive things. All of which I only inherited by luck. My grandparents retired and are at the moment traveling across the States in their shiny RV. Again, we got the house by sheer luck. First of all, the fireplace. Who doesn't want a fireplace? Their so fabulous! And hey! It ACTUALLY makes real fire. Unlike the one in my apartment that ran on gas and cost a bunch to do anything with. Then we have a big screen TV. The only reason they don't get it is because its stuck in the wall. :] My brothers excited about watching and playing football on it, me and my mom are excited about playing Guitar Hero 3 on it. :D Then we have the $400 carpet. It even has a name! My, my my. Its about 2 inches thick and is only a few yards long. Again, sheer luck. Last but not least, the 20 something year old grandfather clock. Again, inherited by the fact that its too big to take cross country. And of course the house is twice as big as my apartment and I can play music really loud now. And guess what? I don't have people banging on the walls all night! Yay! We also got 2 new cats. And my mom let me adopt a dog for my birthday too. We went to the Nevada Humane Society and got him for about $25. Hes a beagle named Fonzie. I know, cool huh? Anyway. Just unpacking now.. Bleehh.
Oh yeah. And Extreme Home Makeover is about 5 or 10 miles away from me. :]