She's No Saint..

But she'll take you to your knees.

Anybody who can help. -GSA-

My school board has deemed the GSA at my school over. They say that there is "No room for a GSA at DHS." My friends are livid, my mom is livid. Me and my mom have done our research and have found that we are within our legal rights to have a GSA at our school. If anybody has experience with this, please let me know. My email is PLEASE email me if you have any information or anything that could help me and my friends.

Published Feb 04 2008, 06:38 PM by kalim
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amyh said:

Oh man. I wish I had read this earlier — I would have brought it up at my city's GSA tonight! But I'll totally ask my friends tomorrow, as well as bring it up at my school GSA meeting. Saying that there's no room, though, is completely unreasonably and silly.

February 5, 2008 6:38 PM

amyh said:

Er. *Unreasonable. Silly typo.

February 5, 2008 6:40 PM

sarahmo said:

we have a GSA at our school, I'm friends with most of them because they're all in theatre or band. You freaked me out for a second because you said DHS and my school is also a DHS so i was really confused for a second. haha

February 27, 2008 6:37 PM