
Maybe I'm a little too obsessive.
  • I got into college!

    Wittenberg University! They like me! They like me!

    It feels good to know that this whole college stuff actually works. Filling out some forms, talking to some college reps. And I actually got in!

    What a wonderful way start to my winter break: opening a fantabulous piece of mail.

    Posted Dec 19 2007, 04:20 PM by amyh with 2 comment(s)
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  • My heart, it aches.

    I've been lagging on my blogging lately, I know, I know.

    I really shouldn't be writing this right now. No, I have a chemistry final and a calculus final tomorrow. My only two real finals this semester, and both on the same day. At first, I liked this — no school Wednesday for me, then! — but now I'm thinking that it totally sucks. And let's just say that I'm not so great at Chem and Calc. Sigh. But I guess I'll write this up, whatever might be on my mind, before tearing myself away from the internet and studying.

    I don't particularly want to study tonight. No, I'd much rather watch Buffy. Reason I didn't blog this past weekend: was watching Buffy. Well, Saskia stayed over Friday night (we made reindeer mix! Pictures in next post, though, promise!): we watched Love Story and some Tru Calling (I'm thinking that I'll finish watching the first season myself and just lend it to her — this whole sleepover thing doesn't work for me anymore — I like falling asleep early, er) and generally had fun just hanging out. And then on Saturday, I proceeded to watch seven episodes of Buffy. Sunday? Twelve episodes.

    I love Buffy. So freaking much. In middle school, eighth grade in particular, two of my friends and I would talk Buffy every day at lunch, even sing the songs, and could relate everything to Buffy. My obsession has calmed down considerably since then — it's even been years since I really sat down and watched a lot of Buffy. Well, back in October or something, I started this "Buffyfest" thing, in which I'd watch regularly over the course of a few months. Didn't really work out that way. But on Saturday, I finished off the first season and got started on the second. The second season is probably my favorite of all seven. Me? Sucker for Buffy/Angel. So heartbreaking, devastating. Watching Surprise and Innocence? Ohhh my god. My heart aches so much seeing Angel turn into Angelus. And as I come closer and closer to Becoming, Pt. 2, I get more and more anxious, because that episode gets me every. time. Oh my god. Just thinking about it... gah!

    Anyway. So since I managed nineteen episodes over the course of one weekend, I figure hey! I can totally knock out the rest of the seven seasons of Buffy plus the five seasons of Angel over the course of the next two weeks! (Yes, when it gets to be season four of Buffy, I plan to watch one episode BtVS, one episode Angel, and so on and so forth. God. That is going to get annoying. But it's how it must happen!)

    I need to get off and study study study! Don't want to. But need to. Le sigh.

    But today I got to hang out at Common Grounds with two of my friends. It was amazing. I love just sitting around, pretending to study, chatting chatting chatting.

    I'm so ready for this semester to end.
    Posted Dec 17 2007, 07:28 PM by amyh with 1 comment(s)
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  • Oh my god, oh my god you guys!

    Yes, that would be me cueing the Legally Blonde soundtrack. (I almost typed Legally Cloned. Wtf?)

    Why, you ask?

    I just finished the first draft of my novel.

    Holyyyy freaking crap.

    This is so amazing.

    I would elaborate, but I have a lab report to write up for Chemistry. Oh lordy.
  • And he shall purify.

    Tonight was the first out of two orchestra winter concerts. We're performing selections from Handel's Messiah with the chorus.

    You know how, during the Hallelujah chorus, the audience is supposed to stand? Tradition because of the King and such? Well, all of us orchestra folksies told our parents to stand — in keeping to said tradition — but we all really said it jokingly, assuming that our parents wouldn't actually stand.

    First two measures with the small ensemble start up and suddenly, we hear creaking and movement in the audience — parents are standing, WHAT! And when the rest of us come in with the ensemble, the whole audience is standing, too! I almost didn't enter on time because I thought it was so hilarious — and I almost stopped, it was so hard to keep from laughing.

    Oh man. So cool.

    (Not only that, but we played better than we thought we would! Sure, I screwed up in some parts, but I also rocked the house downnnnnn in others. Yessss.)

    Mm, but the one unfun thing is that it lasted a very long time. Ended around 9:50. Ick. Luckily, I don't have to stay the entire time tomorrow night.

    But gross! Homework time!
    Posted Dec 12 2007, 10:25 PM by amyh with no comments
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  • So. Freaking. TIRED.

    Man. I haven't blogged in a bit, now have I?

    We've had tests basically every day in English this week. Practice AP multiple choice on Monday, test on three memorized poems on Tuesday, practice AP writing prompt on Wednesday, and a check test on Invisible Man today. (A check test is the kind of test we have on whatever books we read for class. In involves writing about the significance five of six (or in today's case, seven) topics from the book, and then identifying five of six (or in today's case, all five) quotes. They suck, these tests, but I've gotten better at them. We surprisingly got all hour for it today, but I still managed to finish early. I don't understand how people can write for so long on tests! I usually just want to get it over with.)

    Anyway. Here is how that went, discussed in a chat between me and Saskia:

    Amy: so how was your day, dear saskia?
    Saskia: busy busy
    Saskia: took the test :(
    Saskia: went to mmsk and that's how i got the name of that one person
    Saskia: for us to contact
    Saskia: and you?
    Amy: EXCITING about that, by the way. what exactly is it again? :/
    Amy: mine was... eh
    Amy: i woke up two hours early this morning to finish IMAN
    Amy: i skimmed the epilogue right before the bell rang
    Amy: i think i did okay on the test
    Saskia: umm deville told me to contact someone about a local authors signing
    Amy: but then i had no book to read all day. gross!!
    Saskia: which woul dbe with some other local authors
    Saskia: hah
    Saskia: the other version of the test i would have rocked at but i failed the one i got because it was all stuff i wasn't as familiar with
    Amy: aw :(
    Amy: chitterlings or yams?
    Saskia: yams
    Amy: LUCKY
    Saskia: WHAT.
    Amy: i wanted to talk about yams, but i got chitterlings
    Saskia: NO.
    Saskia: hah
    Amy: yeah, i mentioned yams and then um connected the two
    Amy: haha
    Saskia: yeah that was the only a+ part of it :|
    Saskia: nice.
    Saskia: and by a+ i mean something i had a clue about
    Amy: reading that part in the book made me REALLY want yams
    Amy: omg
    Saskia: i totally blanked about who reinhart was
    Saskia: :|
    Saskia: i got him a little confused with bledsoe :|
    Amy: was that one of the choices?
    Saskia: no
    Saskia: but reinhartism was
    Saskia: which i realize now is the state of being invisble
    Amy: i didn't get the whole rinehart thing in the book.
    Amy: it went over my head.
    Saskia: but i got him confised with bledsoe's personality
    Amy: i didn't get how it went with invisibility
    Amy: the connect? not there.

    Yeah, last night I still had about 250 pages of the book to read. I read maybe 100, 150, and then fell asleep. This morning, I woke up at 4:30, read a little, slept a little, read a lot, and finally "finished" the book. (But to be honest, I probably would have blown off the epilogue even if I had finished it last week. Too preachy.) Good book, but I would have enjoyed it more had I not rushed it. I'm not usually this bad with my books for school — but usually, the books aren't so freaking long!

    But no matter. I'm just happy that now I can choose my next book to read! This should be delightful.

    Well, off to novelize and wait for Ugly Betty to come on! (By the way, Gossip Girl last night? INTENSE OMG.)

    OH! I didn't make callbacks for the musical — as I suspected — and I was contemplating not being in it, remembering my atrocious dancing abilities and all — but I think I'll do it. I mean, last chance, right? Right.
  • If I follow your heart....

    Today was... today. Interesting. The usual. Weird.

    I did something I never thought that I would do in a million years. Something I always thought would be fun, but to actually go through with it? Whoa.

    Yeah. I tried out for the musical.

    Which I've been saying I'd do. But I've said that stuff in the past, too. The past two years, actually. (I tried out for a play — not a musical, but just a play — Tartuffe — in sophomore year, and god what a tragedy that was. Stiff as a statue. Horrible!)

    Now, I'm not a great singer. I enjoy it, I guess, but I'm not exactly top-notch. That was the easy part, though. That was the part I knew I could get (even though this year they switched up the routine and instead of having us prepare our own song, they gave us one to sing! But just a snippet. And there was a high note that I couldn't really hit but I tried, so that counts for something, right?, and plus I've been sick, so — um. I'll stop and continue on now.) No, no, no, see, we had to dance. And this wasn't just tapping your feet and snapping your fingers a little. Uh, no, there were steps that had names — crazy! I learned today that I am definitely not a dancer. I have two left feet. Being left feet, they have the tendency to do everything backwards."Kick with your right!" "No, no, right feet, right!" And being left feet, they do a lot of tripping. So to put it simply, I did a lot of backwards tripping this afternoon. Yes, I think that if I ever intend to master this whole dancing thing, I'm going to have to take it slow. Very slow. Oh dear.

    But it was enjoyable. I think. Hm. Was it? Haha.

    I don't really expect a callback. I'll most likely get to be in the chorus (so they say), which will be a blast. Everybody involved in the musicals always seem so happy with their parts, even if they don't get one that they want. And, hello, this is my first time ever trying out for the musical! Getting to be a part of it at all is going to be amazing. Plus, it's my senior year! Time to do something I've been dreaming of for years!

    The most amazing part of this afternoon is that I definitely took something very important from all of this: that I have gotten past that little freshman who was afraid of all of her classmates, afraid of what they all thought, afraid to break out. Sure, my audition today was laced with self-consciousness and clumsiness and paranoid laughter, but the fact that I actually went through with it? It tells me that I'm growing up, I'm moving on, I'm working with what my life is offering me instead of pushing it all away. I'm trying my best to break out of my comfort zone. As frightening as it is to step out, the uncomfort zone brings me much more knowledge and strength than comfort can. It brings me towards a future — doesn't hold me back to a past. Gotta break out and let loose and show people that I'm ready to finally be me.

    (Plus, I totally made a friend today. It was nice. We bonded over dancing abilities. She played a great dead person.)

    Erik: You spoke to a large group without almost passing out?
    Erik: (Hope hope.)
    Amy: well, close.
    Amy: scarier, actually.
    Erik: Go on.
    Amy: i auditioned for the musical!!
    Erik: OOH!
    Erik: I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!
    Amy: yay!!
    Amy: :D
    Erik: Oh, wow! I'm just so shocked.
    Amy: haha
    Erik: :D!!!
    Erik: It's a happy kinda shock.
    Amy: yay!
  • Undergrounds + Book Rock + Wizard Rock + Musicals

    Last night was Undergrounds. It was... interesting to say the least.

    I think that they only do covers, which a lot of people that was crap, but I gotta tell you that JAMP was the best band there all night. Not just because of their music, but they were the most helpful band around. They let every other band use their sound system (including me and Michelle). How amazing is that?

    We had time issues, because a band that was supposed to come on, um, didn't. Not until about 30 minutes or so after they were set to go. And we had to pull the plug on the last band because it hit 9:15, when we knew we had to be out, and they got pretty pissed. But you know what? Next year, we're leaving some pretty simple advice that for some reason we didn't pay attention to: don't rebook bands that screwed things up for you.

    We made about 200-some dollars, which will be good for our magazine come May. We also made super-fast time in clean-up (within a half an hour or so, I think). Still out by ten, which is when we were supposed to have clean-up finished by (or else we start to pay the janitors overtime — which we really can't afford to do). Putting all the tables back really doesn't take as long as it seems it might. Same with returning the platforms to the theatre.

    Michelle and I played only a few songs — we were first, and she ended up getting more nervous than myself, I think, realizing that all of these other bands are a lot more "professional" than we are. But you know what? We're playing a show at the library in February. I'd like to see them beat that. And at that show, people are going to be there to actually see us! It's going to be spectacular. Just you wait and see.

    By far, though, the funniest part of the night was simply standing above the crowd and seeing them headbanging and trying to mosh. Oh man. The mosh pit? Five kids pushing each other around. So freaking hilarious.

    It's amazing because the whole night, I was so stressed out over what was going wrong — but it was still fun. I still enjoyed it. It's my last year. That's what matters.

    So even though I like to think of myself as the Wizard Rock Obsessor, I admittedly have not branched out that much past the first few huge bands. There are just so many. But that's why I get these compilation albums, like Jingle Spells. Because I can discover tons of bands.

    And man oh man. How did I not know about Ministry of Magic? These guys are astounding. I've never heard a wizard rock band quite like them. Oh man. So fantastic.

    I need to get back into listening to a lot of wizard rock. I may not be able to purchase every CD, but that's not a big deal. It's about fun, not consumerism. And that's what I love so much about it.

    Oh man. Urinetown auditions are Monday and Tuesday. I need to decide on a song to sing. And I need to fill out the forms. Ack ack ack.

    Undergrounds did kind of help me with something else, though. Singing our silly songs up in front of a bunch of people who didn't really care much about us? I didn't care. It was fun, and I loved it, and I want to do it more and more and more. This. Feels. Good.

    P.S. I need this shirt. Oh my god. How amazing is it?!
  • Warning: DON'T READ THIS. I am kind of an obsessive freak who deserves to be locked up for life.

    It's a good thing my computer randomly decided to shut down a few minutes ago, because the first version of this post had me pinned as a spoiled little brat who always cries when she can't get what she wants.

    Now, I promise you, I don't tend to hold onto things this much. Sure, I get sentimental and ooey-gooey and such when it comes to many things, but never... this. And I realize my evil and bratty ways as I type this up, but for some reason, these ways just will not end. They will not end!! And I promise, I'm not only driving everybody around me nuts. I'm driving myself crazy, as well. The last thing I need to be doing is obsessing this badly, after all. I need to get back to the life I used to have!

    Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about by now. Hellooo, Spring Awakening. (I went three entries — not quite five, but close enough. Trust me, a lot has come up about it!)

    The strike recently ended, the shows are starting up again, and so of course I'm still off-handedly bugging my parents about letting me go to NYC to see it next month. I'm starting to let it get to me that of course they'll keep saying no, we really don't have that kind of money, but I figure, what can it hurt? Right? (Although I did severely piss off my mom the other day during lunch. Oops.)

    Well, Telecharge sent me a lovely little e-mail this evening saying that because my show was cancelled due to the strike, I can now get Spring Awakening tickets for only $55 through March 2nd! Considering tickets are usually $111.50, THIS IS AN AMAZING DEAL. Oh man. Oh man oh man oh man.

    Of course, my parents still say no. I mean, the tickets are the least expensive, but there's still a matter of plane tickets, hotel, etc. Because of course the whole family has to come. (Why can't it just be me and one other person! I mean, that's not bad! Saskia and I did very well on our own!)

    I won't go saying that my life sucks. It doesn't! I'm a very fortunate person, really, and I've had so many amazing opportunities to see amazing shows, go to amazing places, meet amazing people, get published in this amazing book. For some reason, in this instance, I just don't have how to shut the hell up. (Hey, I think I meet with my therapist next week. I can rant to her about this, I guess? But she'll most likely tell me what I don't want to hear: "You're not going to see it, so deal!" But I haaaave to see it!) (See? This is what goes on in my head for most of the day. WHAT. IS. WRONG. WITH. ME.)

    I still hold strong that once I see it, I will shut up about it. Sure, I might still bring it up every once in a while. But I won't be so crazyinsanepsycho over not getting to see it. Because I will have seen it! Hmph.

    Somebody please help me. Holy crap.

    The necklace from the NYC party is still missing. Most likely forever. This depresses me muchly. Le sigh.

    Today we had to turn in final drafts of our college essays. My teacher had actually given me a 100% on my last draft, so he gave it back to me today so that I could, er, turn it back in. With all the others, I mean. But when I flipped to see the grade, I noticed that he had written, "one of the best ever," beside the grade. My heart literally leapt at this.

    I've had this inkling this year that my writing has actually improved a lot. In past years, when it came to writing for class, it never came quite as easily, I never found much enjoyment in many of the assignments, and overall I never felt very satisfied with my work. But this year, I've loved what I've written for most of my assignments for classes. And to have my teacher tell me that he loved my essay is astounding to me!

    The best thing about this is that, well, every writer, when growing up, wants to know that they're actually improving, that they aren't at a stand-still. And being able to feel this writer bubbling down inside me — it feels good. (And not "food," which is what I first typed. Wow, Amy. Wow.)

    Maybe I should e-mail my essay to my sophomore english teacher. He's the english teacher I had after I saw my first Harry and the Potters show. And I introduced him to wizard rock. And he's basically one of the best teachers I've ever had. If not the best. Man oh man. I wish he was still at my school. He left this past year, and we all miss him terribly. Too cool for our school, apparently. Sheesh!) (Speaking of, I need to e-mail him about those recs I asked him to do.)

    Well. Since Ugly Betty is a rerun tonight, I can use that time wisely and study for chemistry and psychology! (...will I actually study?! We'll find out!)
  • This entry is full of random.

    Nope. Today, I will not be blogging before 10pm. More like just before midnight. Oops. That's what I get for watching three TV shows on Wednesday night.

    Ugh, finally! Filling out the order forms for cap & gown? SO CONFUSING. I hate it. But it is finished. Yay.

    This morning, I lost my RED necklace thingy. The one that all of the writers got at the party in NYC? This greatly depresses me. I didn't let on to any of my friends about how much it upset me, but I felt very empty knowing it was gone. How silly sounding. It fell off randomly sometime in the morning when I was wandering the halls looking for teachers to talk to about work I've missed (what an awkward sentence). Or it might have fallen off in the library, and somebody would have taken it from there, of course. Oh man. I want it baacckkkkkkk. :(

    Undergrounds is on Friday and I think I'm stoked for it. Really, I'm just looking forward to the weekend. I think that's what I live for nowadays: weekends.

    • two transcripts
    • concert critique for Hampshire
    • editorial for Sarah Lawrence
    • Juniata nomination scholarship thing (inform Mrs. W!)
    • Urinetown audition forms
    • soda
    • UK scholarship application
    • there was something else... hmm.
  • Oh dearie me.

    It's been about a month and a half since I went to the local GSA (as in Gay-Straight Alliance, not Girl Scouts of America, er).

    I know, I know. "But Amy! You wrote about GSA, like, five million times on your college apps!" Yeah, well. I've been busy? And tired?

    "But you were sick today and you went!" ...shut up. I FELT OBLIGATED TO, OKAY?

    The last time I went, a total of five people showed up. And today? LIKE, A MILLION. It was amazing. You kind of forget how amazing the people there are. But every time I go, I end up smiling like crazy because everyone is so friendly, so funny. Why did I stop going? I have no idea. But I need to keep going back. They keep me level and sane, surprisingly enough. Man. I love that place.

    (But maybe I'll elaborate even more next week, if I get around to blogging before 10pm. Jeez, Amy, start blogging at decent times!)

    Back to school tomorrow. Home sick yesterday and today.

    You know what I realized, though? Ever since going to NYC, I've kind of, um, forgotten everything I've learned this past semester. And though this should be freaking me out, it's not. I dunno, running off for a few days kind of made my head spin so much that now I think I've realized that I am kind of tired of studying what I'm studying. Chemistry and calculus? They're doing nothing for my brain. They aren't stimulating me. Nothing is clicking. You know how sometimes you'll get that class where the material just clicks, and you get it? Nope. The clicking is gone this year. It's sad.

    I just really want to get away and learn in more exciting ways. Learn through experience, not reading textbooks. I mean, I've kind of always known that hands-on learning works best for me, but now... ack. Now it's becoming the only kind I want to put up with. Which is not good, considering college professors do indeed assign reading.

    Lordy. I can't wait for winter break. I need a longer escape. And though two weeks won't nearly be enough, it'll work.

    P.S. Everybody needs to check out Musicovery. It's like Pandora, except instead of choosing music based on similar artists, you can choose it based on if you want the music to be calm, energetic, fast, slow, etc. I like it. Every time I need some good jazz, it's what I've been running to. And I've been craving jazz like crazy lately.
    Posted Nov 27 2007, 11:27 PM by amyh with no comments
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  • Pineapple.

    Anybody else watch Chuck tonight?

    That's all I have to say about this entry's subject.

    So I just officially hit submit on my Joseph-Beth job application. Part of me thinks that they won't even consider me because I'm not eighteen (lamest excuse ever). But my hopeful side (which, to be honest, never does me much good, but always makes for fantastic daydreaming) thinks that they'll want me because I'm enthusiastic about the store!, because I did quite well on their author/section of the store quiz (which really wasn't hard at all)!, and because, well, I threw in a blurb about being in RED. Haha, er. But I do know that they are hiring for the holidays — they had a big sign up in the store! — so maybe they'll be desperate enough to want me. Ehehe.

    Plus, how cool is this?:


    Dear Amy Hunt,
    Thank you for your interest in working for Joseph Beth/Davis Kidd Booksellers. We have received your online application, and as positions become available we will be using these applications to search for qualified candidates. In appreciation for your interest in Joseph Beth/Davis Kidd, present a copy of this e-mail at any of our stores and you will receive 10% off your purchase. (Good for 90 days)

    Thank You,

    Joseph Beth/Davis Kidd Booksellers

    Rock! Rock! Rock! (That would be my dorky reference to Uncle Monsterface. Does that count as participation in Dorky Pride Week? I THINK SO. So go with it.)

    On another note, does anybody else remember 2GE+HER? That fake boy band that MTV did a movie about, and then a TV show, and they actually hit so big that they outpaced *NSYNC on the charts?

    Yeah. I kind of just rediscovered them. And they are hilarious and wonderful and who doesn't love lyrics proclaiming, "I know my calculus/It says you plus me equals us!?" Hmm? Oh man. I am actually craving one of their CDs. And badly. Mmm. Hilarious.

    And this actually all came about because I was looking up information on Evan Farmer. Because I was watching While You Were Out. Oh, Amy, you scare yourself sometimes.

    There's one more picture that I never posted but meant to:

    Feet! From the release party.

    That is all. I really should be getting to sleep. I mean, I'm sick! C'mon, Amy! Be smart!
  • I think I post too often. Yes? No?

    Asthma is pretty much the stupidest disease ever. Simply the development of a slight cold manages to trigger an asthma attack, so here I sit, wheezing away and watching While You Were Out. Luckily, my asthma doesn't really act up that often anymore — not really since I was eight and had to spend a few days in the hospital (which actually still seems like such a random decision, as if the doctor always hospitalized children suffering asthma — to me, it was just another attack, no different from any previous ones). But since attacks are so infrequent now, when one does strike, it is so annoying. I can function just fine except for that whole breathing thing. Bleh.

    I've been listening a lot to the RED soundtrack, and I have to say that two songs on there have absolutely grabbed me: "Broken Ship" and "Another Life." Suddenly, I want so much more music from each of the artists. Oh man. It's nuts. Last night, I even introduced one of my friends, Chungyen, to the Denizen Kane track, and he was blown away, too. I love sharing music with friends who have the same love of it as I do. It's great because as I introduce him to artists, he does the same for me — and when I bring him one, he brings me about five. Chungyen is kind of my music god, haha.

    I'm starting to worry myself how much I've been obsessing over Spring Awakening. I kind of never shut up about it (as you can certainly tell). And this got me thinking last night that, well, it's amazing how much of our lives we'll give away to obsessions and loves-of-right-now. This whole Spring Awakening thing I've got going on? I'm sure that twenty years from now, when I'm only listening to death metal (haha, that would be weird, actually...), I'll look back and say to myself, "Spring Awakening? What was — oh. That." And I'll reread all of these entries and wonder what crack I was on.

    When Saskia and I were waiting to meet the cast on that horrid evening, a woman came up and stood beside us, talked to us a little. She had had on-stage tickets for the show that night and the next day — her fifth and sixth showings (or was it sixth and seventh?). And she had tickets for two weeks from then. She brought gifts for all of the cast members — something she does every time she sees them — and oh, she lives in Washington, D.C., so she takes the bus up every time she sees the show. Saskia thought she was very creepy, and though I agreed with her a little, I actually understood exactly where the woman was coming from. I do similar things for Harry and the Potters, after all. I see every Kentucky show, and would see every Ohio show, too, if I could drive. Last time I saw them, I brought them cupcakes. And Paul even remembers my name. Sometimes, you discover something that makes you change your view of the world — either only a little, or drastically — and living without it sounds frightening. I mean, if I lived closer to NYC, I would probably try to see Spring Awakening at least once a month. Because for some reason, without even seeing the show but just listening to the music, watching interviews and various clips on YouTube, something about the show has grabbed ahold of me, and living without it, not seeing it, makes me shiver and cower in the corner while all my friends point and smirk and wonder what my deal is.

    Yeah. That's exactly what I've done. I've backed myself into this corner of crazyweird dependency. And the most frightening thing about it is that I recognize its stupidity and ridiculousness, and yet I continue to hold on for dear life.

    I'll try to shut up about it from here on out. I will try to go five entries without talking about Spring Awakening. (Unless, of course, the strike ends and my dad says I can go see it! Um. Then there might be one post... just one... I swear....)

    Yesterday, we ordered five copies of the book on Amazon: one to send to a school, one for Carrie (she used to work in my dad's lab, but recently left for Kansas), and three for various family members.

    You know what really cracks me up about being on Amazon? This:

    We're totally a classic! Haha. Oh man. Weird.

    I have a few more pictures to post. They're rather random, but fun.

    On the way to the bookstore reading, we were all worried about being late — but seeing this ginormous Gossip Girl ad soothed our nerves. Haha.

    Poster at the bookstore :)

    This would be the Jerry Seinfeld Comedy Special (bagel with peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon), from Peanut Butter & Company. Oh man. So messy and delicious. There's no better way to celebrate Peanut Butter Lovers' Month.
  • I just don't know how to shut up.

    Before you begin reading this horribly long entry, I have one question: on tons of blogs, I noticed that tons of people do that “behind the jump” thing, where the front page of the blog just has a snippet and then when you click on the “jump,” it takes you to the rest of the entry. How do you do this??! Being able to utilize such features would benefit everybody, I think. Because as the title of this entry says, I just don’t know how to shut up.

    Except for two supplements, which I plan on submitting Monday or Tuesday (depending on when my analytical paper is ready to be uploaded), as well as one more transcript that needs to be sent out and a few scholarships I apparently have to apply for, I have officially done my part in the college application process. I have a few teachers to bother about recommendations, but that's no problem. (Although one of them isn't replying to my e-mails. Maybe they are going to his spam box — my main e-mail address is rather amusing but probably a bit sketchy — must e-mail him from my RED account.)

    Now that it's all settled, I feel like informing everybody where I have applied. I've really known the final list since early September — when I added NYU — and I started my applications in July. My college essay? Written in July/August (although I put the finishing touches on it this month when we turned in college essays as an assignment to our english teacher — after two more rewrites, he totally gave me a 100%!). So I gotta say, I'm pretty set with all of this. I now present you with Amy's College List:

  • Tufts University
  • New York University
  • Juniata College
  • Hampshire College
  • Sarah Lawrence College
  • Wittenberg University
  • Kenyon College
  • Centre College
  • Transylvania University
  • University of Kentucky

  • Now, since I'm an incredibly paranoid person, I will not actually tell you my top choices on that list because, well, knowing my luck, an admissions officer will find their way onto this site and be like, "AHA! SHE HATES US! REJECTED!" And, I mean, even if they aren't my number one choice, I must still feel something for each of these schools, right?


    For everybody applying to colleges this year: where are you applying? Maybe we'll end up going to school together, omgwtfbbq! Ahaha.

    For everybody already in college: which school do you attend? Is your school on my list? If so, OMG TELL ME EVERYTHING. :B

    Thanksgiving was scrumdiddlyumptious. Two of my cousins came to eat dinner with us this year, which was quite nice. As I've said before (I think — I'm too lazy to go back and actually make sure I've made such claims), I'm such a sucker for tradition, so actually getting family to celebrate Thanksgiving with us? Freaking fantastic! (Most of my family is rather far away, you see, so this is something that doesn't usually happen.)

    Mmm, food. As you can sort of see (I've made the picture a bit small, but for good reason, as this post is too, too long), while the rest of my family put their beverages in wine glasses, I skipped that and stuck with the Sprite can. High-class, fo' realz. And those blue glowing eyes belong to Kiwi, my cousins' dogs. Do not fear.

    And then for some dumb reason, my dad decided that he had to take a picture of me to post on this RED blog, for all my adoring fans to read. HA. But whatever. Here you go. One "excited" picture, and one that is more true-to-form when pointing a camera at me. Oh, and that's my sister sitting next to me in both pictures. Her expressions are more amusing than mine.

    Then after dinner, we watched Rear Window on AMC, and the newest episode of Ugly Betty. I spent the entire episode explaining to Mark, one of my cousins, what was going on. He liked all the attractive people.

    The day afterwards, I went shopping with my sister and two of her friends — and I gave in to my obsession-induced materialism and bought a scarf from Gap, one that is in the Spring Awakening ad (god, what is my issue here? I used the excuse, "WELL I MIGHT NOT EVER GET TO SEE IT SO I BETTER BUY WHAT THEY ARE ADVERTISING." Jeez, whoever is drugging me, could you please stop right now?). Then she went to work and the rest of my family and I went out to eat so that Mark could eat a Hot Brown (both of my cousins are recently transplanted from Massachusetts to Indiana, and I guess Mark's been on the lookout for traditional southern... things. Yeah, um, I just ate a regular club sandwich, ahaha). Then we went to Joseph-Beth, where I showed everybody what shelf RED is on. I wish I had gotten a picture of such a scene: two twenty-something guys and my parents all down in the teen section, crouched over an essay anthology filled with essays written by teenage girls. Priceless. But no, when they started reading, I hastily made my way back upstairs to the fiction section — is anybody else this shy and weird, in that when somebody starts reading their essay they cannot be in the same room? I am just so terrible with those first few moments when they finish reading, especially when they aren't sure what to say and are trying to think of the best first sentence. Ack. It's just awkward. So no, I finally met back up with everybody when we were all ready to leave, and Mark first asked me about Saskia's essay, and then about mine. It was probably a little awkward, yeah. But I really need to get over this whole shy-thing. Sheesh, Amy.

    Why isn't this stagehand strike over yet? I would very much like to inform my father that I don't care what he says, I'm going to go see Spring Awakening next month. But I kind of can't buy anything until I know if the strike will actually be over by then — they'll refund the play tickets no problem, but plane tickets? Most likely not. Hmph. I hope that a negotiation meeting really is set for tomorrow, and that some sort of compromise is actually met, because I need to get over this obsession stat and I kind of can't until I fulfill my cravings. And I'm sure you all really need me to shut up about Spring Awakening. Hey! I know! Everybody start sending e-mails and letters and stuff to everybody involved in the strike, telling them to get moving already because I'm annoying everybody and you want to shut me up by letting me see the show! Or better yet, get them to come down here and perform it in my living room. Mmm... yes. That's it.

    Currently, I'm listening to Serge Gainsbourg, my favorite singer in basically the entire world. And because I'm sick (cold + asthma = gross) and bored, I've decided that I feel like posting a list of Amy's Essential French Tracks. Essential meaning Favorites. The same thing, I assure you. Now, I am by no means an french music extraordinaire — no, if that's what you want, then I can refer you to certain blogs, such as Filles Sourires and Dans Mon Café. No, I just discover this music as it comes along, whether it's wildly popular and well-known or not. It's all just so fun. (And like, half of these would be Serge Gainsbourg if I was just making a list of every single favorite song of mine — but I'm going to exert some self-control and just list one. But hey, everybody should go and look him up on YouTube — there are so many videos of him over there, it's nuts. And fantastic.)

    Also, a bit of a warning: some of these videos may contain brief nudity, so watch out if you don’t like that stuff, or if your parents are watching and they don’t like that stuff. But, I mean, these are all European, so what do you expect? Haha. Specifically, watch out on Benjamin Biolay’s and Mylène Farmer’s videos (hers don’t have nudity, but she is rather scantily clad, and the California video is basically about a prostitute, so whatever. Some people are freaked out by everything).

  • France Gall's Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son: This video and song officially introduced me to French music, during that fateful weekend when I was stuck home while my parents were up visiting my sister for family weekend. As is usually the case, LiveJournal pushed me to discover this French obsession. And this video also directly led me to Serge, because he wrote this song. God, I love the internet.
  • Serge Gainsbourg's Douze Belles Dans La Peau: The first Serge song that really struck me. I watched this video of it on YouTube and I was sold.
  • Anna Karina's Sous le Soleil Exactement: Actually written by Serge Gainsbourg, and indeed sung by him, but I like Anna's version a lot more. She's such a gem. Unfortunately, I can’t find a video of her singing it on YouTube, so this one of Serge will have to do.
  • Alizée's Moi... Lolita: Anybody who doesn't like pop and/or dancing, listen to this. I dare you. (And oh my gosh, how could I forget this? Julien Doré, winner of France's Nouvelle Star (their American Idol), sings his version of this song.)
  • Benjamin Biolay's Dans La Merco Benz: He's a recent discovery of mine. When I heard the first few seconds of this song, followed by his breathy voice, oh my lawdddd. It reminded me a lot of Serge, see, so of course I was hooked.
  • Air's Sexy Boy: It's so hard to choose just one Air song. I have adored Air for years, and have gone through so many phases involving this duo. You can't go wrong with them, you really can't. (Here's a fantastic Levi's commercial featuring another one of their most amazing songs, Playground Love. Go watch! I'm sure you’ll remember it from years ago.)
  • Mylène Farmer's Deshabillez moi: I originally heard the first version by Juliette Gréco, but when I saw this video of Mylène's performance, I was blown away even more. Mylène is so epic and astounding. I love it. I also recommend California, the first song of hers that I heard.
  • Jacques Brel's Ne Me Quitte Pas: Probably his most well-known song, but can you blame people for loving it? Beautiful.

  • I would love to upload some of these songs for you download, but I think that's kind of illegal. Darn.

    Now: more pictures! From Central Park and Strawberry Fields. Only a few, I swear. I think when I'm sick, I have the tendency to go on and on and on and I'm not even that exciting. I'm just weird.

    Saskia, Sarah S. and I ventured over to Central Park after the museum.

    We walked around and I took pictures of random stuff.

    Oh my gosh, no head!! OH NOES!

    After getting lost briefly, we finally found out where Strawberry Fields is.

    Pretty pretty pretty.

    Then we froze our butts off as we searched for Ellen’s Stardust Diner, and finally found warmth at the bookstore reading. Ta-daaaaaa. There's probably about ten million typos in this post. But whatever. I shut up now.
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Hey everybody :) We all really have a lot to be thankful for this year, don't we? This amazing book that just recently came out and all. So amazing.

    Now, I don't usually watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade — it's so cheesy, and even though I do love cheese, three hours of it? C'mon! But I watched this year for two reasons:

    1) Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele singing "Give My Regards To Broadway." Yes, of course it has a Spring Awakening connection. God, I'm way too obsessed. (Saskia said the other day that I'm bordering on supercreepy. Um, are you kidding me? I think I've definitely already crossed the border.) (Of course, it was just my luck that when Lea and Groff came on, my dad started talking on the phone. Ugh, my life sucks!) (I'M KIDDING I SWEAR. I'm not that pathetic.)

    2) The Dunbar marching band! My friend Vincent's sister goes to Dunbar and is in their marching band — and I know a bunch of other people who are in the band there, too — so I had to watch and see them. And they played music from The Nutcracker! Rockkkk.

    Anddddd, um. Since I said I'd be doing pictures for a few posts, I'll post some from the Museum of Natural History. The parade starts up by the museum, doesn't it? So this fits....

    So yes, Saskia, Sarah S. and I went to the American Museum of Natural History. We decided that those aren't tusks, it's a giant mustache.

    There's also this whole nose-picking saga starring Saskia. Oh man. We're such weirdos.

    "Oh noes!!!1!11"


    As you can tell, I'm not really one for pictures of myself. It's just so much more fun to take amusing pictures of Saskia other people. Er.

    That's it for now. I guess tomorrow will be some pictures from Central Park/Strawberry Fields? Sure! Why not!

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone :)
  • Pictures + Music + I don't really have much of anything to say, but who cares?

    1) I created a syndicated account on LiveJournal of the blogs on here, for those of you who want to keep track of everybody's posts through LJ, and for all of your friends, too ;) Spread the RED! Ahaha.

    2) Who else has listened to the RED soundtrack yet? I have to say that holy crap, I love it so much. I also just got Jingle Spells in the mail the other day, so every day now I'm listening to the line-up of Spring Awakening, the RED soundtrack, and Jingle Spells. Maybe a few other things in there (Benjamin Biolay, Serge Gainsbourg, MIKA), but mostly those choosings.

    3) I also made a RED wallpaper for my computer a while back. Its size may not match up with your computer's resolution (mine is set at 1280x800), but you may want to snatch it anyway? :)

    4) Over the next few entries, I think I'll be posting pictures from NYC and such. Just because, um, I can?

    At Joseph-Beth, we're on the shelf next to a HUGE Harry Potter display! So cool. So cool.

    We're in the current issue of Teen Vogue. Along with...

    The Spring Awakening Gap ad, WHAT!

    We came across it in NYC. Oh man. They're all so pretty.

    I'm sure you can imagine my devastation over not being able to see the show, due to strikers. And the actors didn't even show up that evening! (They were apparently there earlier in the day. Why does my luck suck!!)

    Saskia and I did get to see a musical though.

    We saw Altar Boyz, and afterwards we got to nab a picture with them onstage. (Juan was fiiiiiiine! Mmm!)