
Maybe I'm a little too obsessive.
  • TV + Videos + So ready for tomorrow to be over!

    1) Chuck. Does anybody else watch Chuck? Who watched it tonight? I won't spoil anything for those who may have yet to watch it, but I will say this: WHAT THE CRAP NOT COOL OH MY GOD! ...*breathe*. Okay. Moving on.

    2) As per Amy G's request: here's a link to the video of Saskia doing a few sit-ups in the Museum of Natural History! What nerds we are. And here's a video of Saskia eating. (Warning: she does the gross :seafood/see food" thing reminiscent of elementary school. Oh Saskia.)

    3) Man. Only one more day of school left this week, and then freedom! Going to school today felt weird. I would have much rather woken up and walked down the street to get a bagel or something... oh, funny how much I now prefer that, seeing as I was only in NYC for three days. And I am still trying to convince my dad that I need to go back next month for Spring Awakening. If I can get enough people on my side, maybe he'll say yes... soon... very soon....

    Not only this whole school thing, but Thanksgiving is on Thursday! Food! (Not the biggest fan of turkey, but maaaan do I love stuffing.) And we get to have Thanksgiving dinner this year with two of my cousins. I'm so excited. I love having family over for holidays. I love family. I love tradition. I love the holidays. (But I do not love how early Christmas is advertised! Sheesh! I want Thanksgiving decorations! Giant pies and turkeys on the lawn, not Christmas lights and wreaths covering houses! And skip the Christmas carols! Give me Thanksgiving music!)
  • And all shall know the wonder

    Oh man. Being back home. It's kind of tough. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I want to get right back on a plane up to NYC.

    Let's talk, I guess, about Saturday.

    Saskia and I woke up early (well, she did — I woke up normal time — and I still woke up before her, er, haha) so that we could head out to a bakery down the street to get breakfast. Cheese danish, mmm. Then around 11:30ish, Amy G, Peter, Saskia and I all headed out to Peanut Butter & Company, the restaurant I had most wanted to eat at. I got Jerry Seinfeld's Comedy Special (peanut butter + honey + cinnamon on a bagel — SO MESSY) and a vanilla egg cream. Amy got THE SAME THING. Amys are freaking awesome.

    Before catching the cab to Altar Boyz, the four of us detoured through to Washington Square Park and found this trio of guys performing, um, stuff? They were really rather offensive. But so hilarious.

    But Altar Boyz. Amazing. Holy crap. Hilarious. Mannn. I loved it so much. (JUAN IS SUCH EYE-CANDY, WHOOOOOO. Ow!) (And Matthew pointed at me during "Something About You," oh my gosh! I make him want to wait! Hahaha. Oh man.) Afterwards, Saskia and I got our picture taken onstage with them. Even though they were all sweaty and gross, I was like, "MMM MUST TOUCH." Man oh man. They were hot stufffff.

    Saskia and I proceeded to wander for a few hours. She splurged on her sister's birthday present, and we walked and walked and walked. During dinner, I realized that the next morning, I would be leaving NYC. A harsh blow, because I realized that being up there felt right. It felt good. I felt free. I felt wonderful. And I'm sure that after a while, those feelings wear off — but while they're there, you want them to last! And I didn't want those feelings to end. Man. Being up in NYC had me smiling and ecstatic and happy! And having to leave? Well. I had a definite Moment then: this is all real. And real things do end eventually. Sigh.

    Then, 7:00ish, Saskia and I wound our way back to the Eugene O'Neill theater, ready to wait for the actors to show up and sing, sign, etc. It gets to be 7:30 and where are they? Then word comes around that they aren't showing. They now do not have to. And suddenly, my one last chance to get this Spring Awakening experience is RIPPED AWAY. This! Is! Not! Fair! Walking away to find street with cabs and such, I'm chatting with Saskia and trying so hard not to burst out sobbing. (It's kind of funny, I guess, how much this devastated me. I mean, it's only a musical, right? But... I don't know. Sometimes you just feel so strongly towards something, and when you don't get it you feel like everything absolutely hates you. Bleh. Bad explanation. But I'm sure you get the picture.) My eyes are tearing up in the cab and all I want to do is get back and finish packing, probably sleep, just get my mind away from the devastation that was Spring Awakening.

    I call Amy G in the stairwell, letting her know we're back, and she says they're watching their recording of the Project Runway premiere. I tell Saskia once we've dropped our stuff and she's like, "Okay. Let's go." We head next door, tell them about our day, and watch Project Runway. Peter is too hilarious: he keeps criticizing it, and Amy is just brushing it off, "He says he hates it, but he always watches it!" ("Only because Amy does!" he responds.) We all talk about RED, about what it would be like to put a boys book together (would there be a wide range of submissions? would guys even submit?), and when Amy catches Peter being critical again, we joke about putting together a book with essays by grumpy forty-year old men. It would be called "Gray" (or is it spelled with an e?). ("These are the best shades of gray," and they would all be complaints about reality tv, music, teenagers, etc. Oh man. So funny.) Then, after Project Runway ended, they made us watch the last four episodes of the first season of Heroes. Now, I have never really seen any episode of Heroes before this. But after watching these eps, I NEED TO WATCH THEM ALL. (Thank you, Amy and Peter. You have sparked more obsession in me.) We joked a little about how Saskia would be going off to write about "HOW THEY MADE HER WATCH TV OMGZZ" and then all headed over to the next apartment to box up some lips cookies for Saskia and I to bring home. (A whole plate left over! And we got to take a bunch!)

    Saturday night was set up to be so horrible: no Spring Awakening, and having to leave in the morning! But hanging out and just watching tv with Amy and Peter? So happy-making. They kept apologizing about only watching tv, but trust me: I am no party girl. I much prefer staying in and hanging out. You don't need to plan for that! And by the time Saturday night rolled around, I was ready to sit back and soak in everything that had happened the past few days.

    Leaving this morning was indeed difficult. Driving to the airport, Saskia and I didn't really talk. I stared out the window, wishing that that freak blizzard had hit. But alas, it did not. And now I am home, and must face school tomorrow.

    At least it's only a two-day school week, right?

    I need to convince my dad to let me go back up to NYC next month. I need to see Spring Awakening. NEED. Oh man. Oh man. Oh man.

    THIS JUST IN: I HATE VINCENT A LOT. His sister is marching in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, so his whole family is going up there this week. WELL, GUESS WHO IS SINGING IN SAID PARADE? LEA MICHELE AND JONATHAN GROFF. Whyyyyyyy! Sheesh.

    Time to go finish homework. And work on my Altar Boyz critique for orchestra.
    Now we don't believe in hurtin' or in haaaatin'/'Cause that's the kind of stuff that leads to Saaaatan!
  • Where I go, when I go there...

    I was going to get on here and say that my time in NYC so far has been a blur. But that would be a lie. My first day was incredibly long: we (Saskia and I) woke up at 2:30am, flew into NYC, met Amy G, ran an errand, went to the party, went out for noodles, came back and slept. It was crazy, but a blast. Today, I woke up at a more reasonable time, hung out with Sarah S and Saskia at the Museum of Natural History, walked a bit around Central Park, ate at Ellen's Stardust Diner, and attended the reading at McNally-Robinson, hung out more with people and such. It's been well-paced. Not too long, not too short.

    Reading at the party was interesting, to say the least. Beforehand, my nerves grew and grew and grew and I kept thinking, "What have I done?! Why am I doing this?! Reading, first?!" But it turned out okay, so I've been told. Do you know how unusual and scary and weird it is to stand in front of a crowd and speak into a microphone and pretend like the voice you hear coming out of the speakers sounds nothing like it should and all the while having to read this personal piece that you've actually never read out loud to yourself, let alone to anybody else? (Bad planning on my part, refusing to practice reading it. But oh well. I was a trooper.) I can't say it was an amazing experience reading — this is the girl who freaks out over having to give lame presentations or speeches in English — but it was definitely a good one, though strange.

    Everything has been so fun. Really. The anxiety and worry I had about coming here and being totally clueless and lost? It's really not that bad. If anything, it might be easier being here with only Saskia. Family and large groups tend to make things a bit stressful, but with a friend, it's easier to work your way around things. Not only that, but you have to learn how to do things, and fast. I mean, hello, hailing a cab? Crazy! We don't hail cabs in Lexington! No, you call the cab company and they come to pick you up. But here, hey, I had to hail a cab. And it totally worked! Things like that, finding out that what you're worried about isn't so hard after all: it's actually a total blast.

    So Spring Awakening, the show for tomorrow (now to-) night is pretty much not going to happen. But Saskia, Hayley H and I still plan to hang with the strikers for a bit, maybe wait and see if the cast shows up. I saw the new Gap ad featuring the cast of Spring Awakening today in Times Square. I definitely had a glowy moment. (You know, when something wonderful happens and all you can do is smile and giggle and sigh?) What's great is that, when I first got the refund notification for the show, I was devastated, heartbroken, couldn't get over it, close to tears — but now, I'm all right. No, I'm great, actually. I think that it's hard to stay unhappy when you're bombarded with all sorts of new experiences and opportunities. Plus, I was way too worried about not making it to Amy G's place, or about completely messing up my reading at the party, or about getting lost in the city (ha). I can't freak out about one thing for too long.

    The most amazing thing about this trip? The book. Before, my Moments — the kind when I realize that this is real, this book is real, this is amazing, this is terrific, this is really happening — had been admittedly scarce, and fairly small. But I had one on the plane yesterday, at least two at the party last night, and one at the reading tonight. Meeting all of these amazing people, coming to NYC, signing books — crazy and mind-boggling and wondrous. This is really happening, isn't it? Yes. Yes it is. And it is so remarkable.
  • Oh, Whompy!

    Oh man. I love wizard rock. SO MUCH.

    Tonight, the Whomping Willows came to town.

    First off, Michelle and I began writing our first song about summer reading: it's about Asher Lev.

    The show was amazing. I love his songs so much.

    We discovered a way to one of the balconies. We were on top of the city, you guys. We were on the top floor of the apartments by the library. It. Was. Amazing.

    Matt (the Whomping Willow) came out onto the balcony to smoke, and he chatted with us a little bit. He told us to talk to some of the people inside because they could get us shows here in town. Whoa whoa whoa!

    Well, we did. And Michelle and I have a show. For February 8th. AT THE LIBRARY. WE ARE PLAYING A LIBRARY SHOW.

    I said to them how I had always wanted to go to a library show, BUT TO BE IN ONE?! They thought that was hilarious.

    Matt and the bands guy for the library, they said that they recognized me. Haha. I guess I'm kind of the city's WROCK girl.

    Oh man. I love how wizard rock brings out the absolute nerd in me. I love how much I love it.

    Writing about it for my college essay WAS AN AMAZING IDEA. Best I've ever had.
  • Once more, with feeling.

    Second post today, yes.

    Real short one, really.

    One thing: STAGEHAND STRIKE?

    I get where they're coming from. I understand their need to strike.

    But why nowwww? Why one week before Saskia and I go to see Spring Awakening?

    I really hope this is all sorted out soooon. :(
  • Book rock!

    So I'm kind of a wizard rock fangirl. To the extreme. I've seen Harry and the Potters five times — within two years — as well as Draco and the Malfoys twice, and on Tuesday I'm going to see the Whomping Willows. Yessir, I am kind of in love with wizard rock.

    But not only the going-to-shows aspect of it.

    Let's start... here: I'm an editor of my school's literary magazine. We had a meeting yesterday to discuss Undergrounds, our upcoming annual concert/fundraiser. We made some flyers, listened to some demos — and hey. Guess what?

    I'm totally playing at Undergrounds.

    This is nuts, actually. Last year, when Michelle brought up the idea, I was like, "UMM. MAYBE... NOT." And this year? I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!

    Michelle and I, see, we write songs about books. Rewind to our sophomore year: we both wanted to think of an exciting way to study for AP World History, since the book was totally lame and the class kind of a borefest. We though, "Hey! Let's write songs!" After writing one about Hammurabi's code, we didn't get much farther, but we did get together a few times to study and listen to music. This is when I introduced her to Harry and the Potters.
    Yes, she was in love. Just as much as I was. When we discovered there were more wizard rock bands than just Harry and the Potters, we decided to skip AP World History: we had to start a wizard rock band.

    Cue The Wands. We wrote a few songs, but recorded even fewer. It was hard to get together and have enough time to write and record and everything. It's a blast, writing about Harry Potter, but really difficult when we have all sorts of other school assignments and such to attend to..

    In the spring of that year, we had to read Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar in our english class, and then do a project of some sort on it. We decided that, after going to see Harry and the Potters in Louisville (my third show, haha), we wanted to write and record songs about the play. We recorded about eight or nine songs and made up a CD called "I Wish I Had A Salad Named After Me!" It was a blast. And so we became The Literatures.

    The next year, in our junior year, we wrote some songs about the books we had read over the summer: East of Eden, The Scarlet Letter, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Fast Food Nation. We told our english teacher about it, burned him a copy of our CD (man oh man, I love those songs so much), and then we sang a few of them for my class. Holy crap. I was so nervous, so afraid, but when it was over, I realized how much I loved it. In the hallway during lunch, I ran into my english teacher and he said he was so surprised at how, in class I'm so quiet and afraid of speaking out, but when I starting singing it was like I was bursting out! And it's true: when I'm singing those silly songs with Michelle, something inside of me is just too happy to be afraid.

    So we're playing at Undergrounds. It's going to be a blast. I'm kind of nervous. But even more excited.

    Man oh man. I love Book Rock.
  • Release day!

    So the book is OUT today! Of course, I went to my favorite bookstore in town to see if they had it.

    No. :( My dad even asked and the woman said they have two on inventory, but they weren't out. Perhaps they were sold? Who knows....

    Then we went to Barnes & Noble, just for the heck of it, but no luck there, either.

    Maybe Saskia and I should just get featured in the local newspaper ;) haha. Great publicity!

    My dad and I were also saying that we should get promoted by, like, Oprah, or Ellen. How freaking awesome would that be?! I love Ellen! 

    Posted Nov 08 2007, 05:45 PM by amyh with 2 comment(s)
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  • Whoahohoho!

    Um, Enrique Iglesias is on America's Next Top Model tonight! He is so attractive. Lordy. I want to be in a music video with him... ha. Of course, I had to turn on a song of his when I saw him come onscreen. Whoo. Fiiiine.


    But! That's not what I was going to post about. (Man. This blog probably makes me out to be REALLY REALLY hormonal. ...maybe I sort of am. But! I do more than obsess over attractive people! I swear!)


    No no, I'm blogging because THE LAYOUT! It is GORGEOUS!


    And the book comes out TOMORROW! I told my dad that he's taking me to the bookstore so that we can see if it's already up and such. Heee. So excited.


    Mmm. Maybe I'll have more to add later. Commercial break is over! 


    Oh whoa whoa! Gossip Girl tonight? INTENSE. Penn Badgley? Still hot. But, um. Blair? Chuck? WHOAHOHO! (That is my word of the day, I think. Maybe that's my Gossip Girl word.)


    Wow. This is probably the stupidest entry ever. Huh. 

  • Doing my civic duty.

    I can't vote yet. Not old enough — though I will be for the presidential primaries come May. I wish I could vote, though, as we've got some pretty important elections in my state today.

    But I am doing my civic duty! Both for the voters and for my orchestra, haha. See, the orchestra's going to Disney World next semester, and so we're doing tons of fundraisers to raise money. At a few schools today, we're doing bake sales — selling lovely baked goods to the lovely voters, hehe.

    May is going to be so cool. It's funny, I never really cared that much about getting my license, about driving — what's supposed to be a rite-of-passage for a teenager! I've still only got my permit, and I've driven once (yes, only once, and I've had my permit for a year and a half, haha). I really didn't like it. (Note to self: when grown up, live in a city where you don't need a car, only public transportation). But voting! That's really something I've been looking forward to my whole life. And since it's finally approaching, I'm actually paying attention to the candidates, deciding who I think would be the best for the job, etc. (I'm definitely going to be voting John Edwards. Yeah!)

    But man, would I still love to vote today. 

  • NYC + Ugly Betty + General Insanity

    I should be writing, and I should be doing school work, and I should definitely be finishing work on my college apps.

    But instead, all I can think about is RED RED RED YAY.

    Yesterday, during the SAT, I kept finishing every section early (I guess that's what happens when you get so used to taking these dumb tests), and so I would gaze off and begin thinking about all things RED and writing — NYC! This site! Released on Thursday! Holy crap!! When the proctor would tell us our time left, or when the timer went off, I would snap out of my daydreaming and actually be surprised that I was in a classroom taking a test, instead of at home freaking out about RED.

    The closer it gets, the more insane I think I'm becoming.

    I mean. New York City.

    This is going to be amazing.

    Saskia and I are traveling up together the morning of the party, going to basically have a blast, see two shows (one Broadway, one off-Broadway), go to a museum or two, eat at some fantabulous places, and attempt to stalk the cast of Gossip Girl (this last one is going to be a little bit difficult).

    (I would adore stalking the cast of Ugly Betty as well, but they don't film in NYC, they're just set in NYC. Sigh. Oh, Henry. I'll find you someday! I just rewatched the last two episodes of Ugly Betty last night and man. My heart melts whenever Henry comes on screen. He's just so... perfect! You know I'm going crazy when I'm upset that, because of the release party, I'm going to be missing an episode! I need my weekly Henry fix! And I've been like, "Maybe Amy G has DVR or TiVo or something... or maybe I can be guaranteed 45 minutes of computer time on Friday or Saturday so that I can watch it online...." God. I'm so crazy. FOR HENRY.)

    But anyway. Saskia and I are taking much of Tuesday to do some shopping. I have to work a bake sale at school for a while (we're selling to the hungry voters, raising money for orchestra's Disney World trip, hee!), but then we're gonna shop shop shop till we drop! And then pick ourselves back up and go teach little kids at Saskia's middle school. I'm the guest speaker, talking about songwriting, haha. Oh man. I'm so bad with little kids, though. It's kind of scaring the crap out of me.

    But anyway again. (Man, I've forgotten where this entry is going.) I'm superstoked for the release party, regardless of the fact that it interferes with my Henry time. Not only is it going to be a grand ol' time, but Saskia and I are reading! And it scares the bejeesus out of me, the idea of reading in front of all those people, but at the same time: how can I pass this up? Why would I give up such an amazing opportunity?!

    The next day, I think Saskia and I are going to head to a museum, eat at fun places perhaps. I need to find a record store in NYC that sells Serge Gainsbourg records. It is imperative that I own one! (Plus, if I get one, maybe my english teacher will play some Serge for the class. How amazing would that be?!) (This reminds me that I need to scan in that page from Vanity Fair. I keep putting that off.)

    You know what? I need to go. I need to get dressed, do homework, do college application crap. I need to remember that I have school before November 8th, I have school before November 15th, and I have school forever afterwards.

    But can I really help it if this RED thing is taking over my life? Of course not! It's finally hitting me. Now. It didn't hit me quite so hard even when I got the book. But the release date comes nearer, Saskia says one of our classmates is going to buy it, and I need to get another copy and get it signed for my nana.

    This is crazy. But it's amazing, too.

    Oh. I did have a question related to this website. Haha. The release is getting so close, as I keep saying, and maybe I'm just being super impatient, but I'm wondering when the layout is supposed to be up? I'm so curious about what the finished product will be! It's exciting me like whoa.
    Oh! Oh! Just thought of this: if possible, perhaps threaded comments on blog posts and such? Like on LiveJournal? That would make me quite happy.
  • Oh college.

    This morning, I go to take my last SAT. Last weekend was the last ACT. And now, today, the last standardized test I will have to take for all of this stupid college stuff.

    God. Finally.

    Then when I get home, it's editing up my college essay a bit so that I can chat with my english teacher about it (his grading system for mine: Snape would give it a C, McGonagall a B, and he and Dumbledore both an A. ROCK!). I also need to change one or two things on my supplements. And then figure out which apps I can hit submit for on Monday after chatting with my english teacher. Hopefully I can submit by then... hmmm.

    I am so ready to get this over with.

    But it's been pretty smooth sailing, really. I've had most of my stuff finished since end of September (except for one application — freakin' non-Common App school), and have only been waiting to talk to my english teacher about my college essay — we turned them in as an assignment, else I would have talked to him way back in August. Oh, I also need an analytical paper for two of my supplements. SO annoying. One of the schools, they're pretty flexible with what they want, but the other — well, they're just annoying. Three to five pages — does that count with my having written two pages and then a third page is my sources cited? And then it just says — okay. I just reread what it actually says and, um, did it always say this? If you do not have an example which best represents your ability to write analytically feel free to create and submit an essay on a complex question of your own design. Hmmmm. So I can write whatever I want?! Lessee... what should I write about....

    Time for breakfast!
  • Growing up?

    I think there's a time when you need to realize that you've grown out of certain stages in your life.

    I used to have a birthday party every year. Sometimes I'd even have a Halloween party! I loved getting together with friends, no matter what drama shook up, and just having fun. I was actually very social, very friendly, maybe even fun.

    When I got to high school, this all sort of changed. Now, I don't really like going to parties. I'm calm. I have a few loner qualities. I don't like rowdiness, I don't like craziness. I'm going to be one of those women who only loves the party where you mingle and you already know everybody. I don't like bunches of loudmouths I don't know, no matter how cool I know they probably are. It's just awkward for me.

    I went to a Halloween party tonight. It might have been enjoyable had I known more of the people there. But no, this was a party held by somebody I've been friends with since first grade — we now go to different schools, have since second grade — and all except one other person (besides her) were people I did not know. They had all these inside jokes and crazy antics, and I felt so out of place. And I knew I would: it's like this almost every time I'm with this friend now. And I haven't even seen her in two years or so. That's kind of why I went. Because I used to love going to her house and hanging out with her. Our friendship has definitely... morphed, to say the least. Going years without talking? And then her inviting me to her Halloween party after I see her at her place of employment? It's odd. But I'm nostalgic.

    I'm okay with being more solitary than perhaps I used to be. I'm okay with not liking parties, with staying home and being by myself. I have friends that I love hanging out with, but I'm finally fine with not being with them all the time.

    I just hate how sometimes, I do want to revert back to those old tendencies. When it didn't matter if I didn't know the other people. When I was better at saying whatever came to mind.

    Growing up sucks sometimes. You know?
  • Nearing

    Getting closer now: closer to the release date (I have a test on Macbeth that day, ewies), closer to the release party.

    Saskia and I need to finalize plans, figure out what we're doing, when we're going to get cool clothes for party and such.

    I'm so deathly curious as to who is going to be at this party, writer-wise. Some of my favorite authors live in/around NYC. How cool would it be to meet them?!

    (I'm also deathly curious as to the layout of this site! How's it going? I'm getting so impatient to see its beauty, haha.)

    Until then, I'll be watching the World Series (13 to 1! I love my Red Sox), Ugly Betty (oh, Henry!), Chuck (oh, Chuck! ha) and Gossip Girl (wtf Nate's dad! and how I love Penn Badgley, drool).

    I know I need to be staying on track, especially now in my senior year. But as November 8th and 15th approach, my mind begins to wander much more often.

    I need to calm down! And plan out what I'm going to talk about when I talk to Saskia's group of kids about songwriting. That should be so. much. fun. (Except that I'm terrible with little kids. I just can't say no!)
    Posted Oct 25 2007, 06:41 PM by amyh with no comments
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  • Sous le soleil exactement

    I purchased the issue of Vanity Fair that mentions RED. It's just a little paragraph, but it's astounding: we're in Vanity Fair!

    I also thought it was superneat that we're in an issue with the Kennedys on the cover. I have this small fascination with the Kennedys (yes, as does much of the country, Amy), so knowing that we can be put alongside the Kennedys is pretty freaking awesome.

    But what really got me? What drove me nuts with excitement about being in this specific issue of Vanity Fair?


    I've never ever seen an article in an actual magazine that talks about Serge. His daughter Charlotte, yes, and Charlotte might mention him, but an article just about him? Never! So when I turn the page and see Serge and Jane Birkin on the page, flip and see that there are multiple pages with multiple pictures and an article!, well, I go a little nuts.

    Serge Gainsbourg is kind of one of my hugest inspirations. I don't have to be fluent in french (god do I want to, though!) to know that his lyrics and music are amazing, to know that he was so ahead of his times and the minds of his listeners. He spans decades and genres, and really was the epitome of cool. Who doesn't want to be as cool as him?

    Man oh man oh man. This just excites me so much. We're in a magazine that talks about Serge Gainsbourg! Ahh ah ah! We are as cool as Serge Gainsbourg, you guys!
  • More things that I love right now.

    • Laney and Mr. Turner — the two main characters in my novel. No matter how stuck I get with writing, when I just read through a scene with the two of them, something inside of me flutters a little.

    • The Red Sox. Sure, they were three games down to the Indians. But, uh, 2004? Three games down to the Yankees? AND THEY TOTALLY KICKED ASS? 'Nuff said.

    • Kenyon. After visiting yesterday, I discovered my love for it. My true, undying love. Funny: I never wanted to go to school in Ohio, never, but driving around to and from Kenyon, walking around campus, I completely forgot I was in Ohio. It. Was. Amazing.

    • Stephen Colbert. I just finished reading his book I Am America (And So Can You!). Um, freaking genius. (Is he really running for president?! 'Cause I'd vote for him. I would. Sorry John Edwards. But this is STEPHEN COLBERT. Ahem.)

    • Meeting authors. This month (well, late September and into this month) I've met... uh. Mark Z. Danielewski (Only Revolutions is AMAZING, but I've yet to read House Of Leaves). Scott Westerfeld (I haven't read any of his books yet — am about to start Uglies, though — but he's friends with John Green, so he's been on Brotherhood 2.0. Nerdfighters are kind of the best ever). Poets Jessica Care More, Naomi Shihab Nye and Nathalie Handal (after going to each of their readings, I was overwhelmed with this need to write a few things of poetry that helped me get to know Laney a little more). Anthony Rapp (RENT GOD, but he wrote a book, too!). Yeah, this month kind of rocks. A lot. I'm so stoked for the RED Release Party — and I'm so curious, because I'm dying to know if any favorite writers of mine will be there :B haha. (This reminds me, I've gotta e-mail John Green and beg him to come to my school! Pretty pleaseeee?)

    • Purchasing tickets! Money-eaters, but do you know how exciting it is to receive your Spring Awakening and Altar Boyz tickets in your inbox? VERY exciting is the answer.

    • Brotherhood 2.0! Nerdfighters rock.